Artiklar med krav på offentlig åtkomst - Jochen KlenkLäs mer
Inte tillgängliga någonstans: 9
Fall detection with body-worn sensors: a systematic review.
L Schwickert, C Becker, U Lindemann, C Maréchal, A Bourke, L Chiari, ...
Zeitschrift für Gerontologie und Geriatrie 46 (8), 2013
Krav: European Commission
Fall detection algorithms for real-world falls harvested from lumbar sensors in the elderly population: A machine learning approach
AK Bourke, J Klenk, L Schwickert, K Aminian, EAF Ihlen, S Mellone, ...
2016 38th annual international conference of the ieee engineering in …, 2016
Krav: Research Council of Norway
Effects of an intervention to reduce fear of falling and increase physical activity during hip and pelvic fracture rehabilitation
K Pfeiffer, K Kampe, J Klenk, K Rapp, M Kohler, D Albrecht, G Büchele, ...
Age and ageing 49 (5), 771-778, 2020
Krav: Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Germany
Temporal and kinematic variables for real-world falls harvested from lumbar sensors in the elderly population
AK Bourke, J Klenk, L Schwickert, K Aminian, EAF Ihlen, JL Helbostad, ...
2015 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2015
Krav: Research Council of Norway
Assessment of fatigability of older women during sit-to-stand performance
U Lindemann, J Klenk, C Becker
Aging clinical and experimental research 28, 889-893, 2016
Krav: German Research Foundation
Genetik der Adipositas
AL Volckmar, A Hinney
Kinder-und Jugendmedizin 15 (04), 255-259, 2015
Krav: German Research Foundation
Purpose, Frequency, and Mode of Transport by Which Older Adults Leave Their Home—A Cross-Sectional Analysis
AS Mikolaizak, J Klenk, D Rothenbacher, MD Denkinger, K Rapp
Journal of Aging and Physical Activity 27 (5), 688-695, 2019
Krav: German Research Foundation
Physical activity and sex hormone–binding globulin in older adults
D Rothenbacher, D Dallmeier, MD Denkinger, BO Boehm, W Koenig, ...
Journal of Aging and Physical Activity 27 (5), 621-624, 2019
Krav: German Research Foundation
Entwicklung eines Standarddatenformates für Sturzsignale von am Körper getragenen Sensoren: Der FARSEEING Consensus
J Klenk, L Chiari, JL Helbostad, W Zijlstra, K Aminian, C Todd, ...
Zeitschrift für Gerontologie und Geriatrie 46, 720-726, 2013
Krav: European Commission
Tillgängliga någonstans: 56
Daily steps and all-cause mortality: a meta-analysis of 15 international cohorts
AE Paluch, S Bajpai, DR Bassett, MR Carnethon, U Ekelund, KR Evenson, ...
The Lancet Public Health 7 (3), e219-e228, 2022
Krav: US National Institutes of Health
Biomarkers associated with sedentary behaviour in older adults: a systematic review
K Wirth, J Klenk, S Brefka, D Dallmeier, K Faehling, MR i Figuls, MA Tully, ...
Ageing research reviews 35, 87-111, 2017
Krav: European Commission
Longitudinal change in serum gamma-glutamyltransferase and cardiovascular disease mortality: a prospective population-based study in 76 113 Austrian adults
AM Strasak, CC Kelleher, J Klenk, LJ Brant, E Ruttmann, K Rapp, ...
Arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, and vascular biology 28 (10), 1857-1865, 2008
Krav: US National Institutes of Health
Validation of accuracy of SVM-based fall detection system using real-world fall and non-fall datasets
O Aziz, J Klenk, L Schwickert, L Chiari, C Becker, EJ Park, G Mori, ...
PLoS one 12 (7), e0180318, 2017
Krav: Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Natural Sciences and Engineering …
Association between vestibulo-ocular reflex suppression, balance, gait, and fall risk in ageing and neurodegenerative disease: protocol of a one-year prospective follow-up study
K Srulijes, DJ Mack, J Klenk, L Schwickert, EAF Ihlen, M Schwenk, ...
BMC neurology 15, 1-11, 2015
Krav: German Research Foundation
Objectively measured walking duration and sedentary behaviour and four-year mortality in older people
J Klenk, D Dallmeier, MD Denkinger, K Rapp, W Koenig, D Rothenbacher, ...
PloS one 11 (4), e0153779, 2016
Krav: American Heart Association
Predictive performance of a fall risk assessment tool for community-dwelling older people (FRAT-up) in 4 European cohorts
P Palumbo, J Klenk, L Cattelani, S Bandinelli, L Ferrucci, K Rapp, L Chiari, ...
Journal of the American Medical Directors Association 17 (12), 1106-1113, 2016
Krav: US National Institutes of Health, Government of Italy
Use of penalized splines in extended Cox-type additive hazard regression to flexibly estimate the effect of time-varying serum uric acid on risk of cancer incidence: a …
AM Strasak, S Lang, T Kneib, LJ Brant, J Klenk, W Hilbe, W Oberaigner, ...
Annals of epidemiology 19 (1), 15-24, 2009
Krav: US National Institutes of Health
A wavelet-based approach to fall detection
L Palmerini, F Bagalà, A Zanetti, J Klenk, C Becker, A Cappello
Sensors 15 (5), 11575-11586, 2015
Krav: Government of Italy
Effect of cold indoor environment on physical performance of older women living in the community
U Lindemann, J Oksa, DA Skelton, N Beyer, J Klenk, J Zscheile, C Becker
Age and Ageing 43 (4), 571-575, 2014
Krav: German Research Foundation
The SITLESS project: exercise referral schemes enhanced by self-management strategies to battle sedentary behaviour in older adults: study protocol for a randomised controlled …
M Giné-Garriga, L Coll-Planas, M Guerra, À Domingo, M Roqué, ...
Trials 18, 1-14, 2017
Krav: UK Medical Research Council, European Commission
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