Dixon, Juan W.
Dixon, Juan W.
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PWM regenerative rectifiers: State of the art
JR Rodríguez, JW Dixon, JR Espinoza, J Pontt, P Lezana
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 52 (1), 5-22, 2005
Energy-management system for a hybrid electric vehicle, using ultracapacitors and neural networks
J Moreno, ME Ortúzar, JW Dixon
IEEE transactions on Industrial Electronics 53 (2), 614-623, 2006
Reactive power compensation technologies: State-of-the-art review
J Dixon, L Moran, J Rodriguez, R Domke
Proceedings of the IEEE 93 (12), 2144-2164, 2005
Ultracapacitor-based auxiliary energy system for an electric vehicle: Implementation and evaluation
M Ortúzar, J Moreno, J Dixon
IEEE Transactions on industrial electronics 54 (4), 2147-2156, 2007
Indirect current control of a unity power factor sinusoidal current boost type three-phase rectifier
JW Dixon, BT Ooi
IEEE Transactions on industrial electronics 35 (4), 508-515, 1988
A three-phase active power filter operating with fixed switching frequency for reactive power and current harmonic compensation
LA Moran, JW Dixon, RR Wallace
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 42 (4), 402-408, 1995
Improving passive filter compensation performance with active techniques
D Rivas, L Morán, JW Dixon, JR Espinoza
IEEE Transactions on industrial electronics 50 (1), 161-170, 2003
A three-phase controlled-current PWM converter with leading power factor
BT Ooi, JC Salmon, JW Dixon, AB Kulkarni
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 78-84, 1987
Improved active power filter performance for renewable power generation systems
P Acuna, L Moran, M Rivera, J Dixon, J Rodriguez
IEEE transactions on power electronics 29 (2), 687-694, 2013
A series active power filter based on a sinusoidal current-controlled voltage-source inverter
JW Dixon, G Venegas, LA Moran
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 44 (5), 612-620, 1997
Control system for three-phase active power filter which simultaneously compensates power factor and unbalanced loads
JW Dixon, JJ Garcia, L Moran
IEEE transactions on Industrial Electronics 42 (6), 636-641, 1995
High-frequency link: A solution for using only one DC source in asymmetric cascaded multilevel inverters
J Pereda, J Dixon
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 58 (9), 3884-3892, 2011
Ultracapacitors+ DC-DC converters in regenerative braking system
JW Dixon, ME Ortuzar
IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine 17 (8), 16-21, 2002
Voltage-source active power filter based on multilevel converter and ultracapacitor DC link
ME Ortúzar, RE Carmi, JW Dixon, L Morán
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 53 (2), 477-485, 2006
Static var compensator and active power filter with power injection capability, using 27-level inverters and photovoltaic cells
P Flores, J Dixon, M Ortúzar, R Carmi, P Barriuso, L Morán
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 56 (1), 130-138, 2008
Electric vehicle using a combination of ultracapacitors and ZEBRA battery
J Dixon, I Nakashima, EF Arcos, M Ortúzar
IEEE transactions on industrial electronics 57 (3), 943-949, 2009
Cascaded nine-level inverter for hybrid-series active power filter, using industrial controller
A Varschavsky, J Dixon, M Rotella, L Morán
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 57 (8), 2761-2767, 2009
Asymmetrical multilevel inverter for traction drives using only one DC supply
J Dixon, J Pereda, C Castillo, S Bosch
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 59 (8), 3736-3743, 2010
A simple frequency-independent method for calculating the reactive and harmonic current in a nonlinear load
JS Tepper, JW Dixon, G Venegas, L Moran
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 43 (6), 647-654, 1996
An integrated AC drive system using a controlled-current PWM rectifier/inverter link
BT Ooi, JW Dixon, AB Kulkarni, M Nishimoto
1986 17th Annual IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference, 494-501, 1986
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