Intelligent environments: a manifesto JC Augusto, V Callaghan, D Cook, A Kameas, I Satoh Human-centric Computing and Information Sciences 3, 1-18, 2013 | 339 | 2013 |
MobileSpaces: A framework for building adaptive distributed applications using a hierarchical mobile agent system I Satoh Proceedings 20th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing …, 2000 | 210 | 2000 |
Lecture notes in computer science (including subseries lecture notes in artificial intelligence and lecture notes in bioinformatics): Preface M Okada, I Satoh Lecture notes in computer science (including subseries lecture notes in …, 2007 | 138 | 2007 |
A testing framework for mobile computing software I Satoh IEEE Transactions on software Engineering 29 (12), 1112-1121, 2003 | 129 | 2003 |
A location model for pervasive computing environments I Satoh Third IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and …, 2005 | 109 | 2005 |
Building reusable mobile agents for network management I Satoh IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C (Applications and …, 2003 | 106 | 2003 |
Modeling and processing information for context-aware computing: A survey C Hoareau, I Satoh New Generation Computing 27, 177-196, 2009 | 95 | 2009 |
A location model for smart environments I Satoh Pervasive and Mobile Computing 3 (2), 158-179, 2007 | 86 | 2007 |
A virtual overlay network for integrating home appliances T Nakajima, I Satoh, H Aizu Proceedings 2002 Symposium on Applications and the Internet (SAINT 2002 …, 2002 | 85 | 2002 |
Mobile agents I Satoh Coordination of Large-Scale Multiagent Systems, 231-254, 2006 | 63 | 2006 |
Location-based services in ubiquitous computing environments I Satoh International Journal on Digital Libraries 6, 280-291, 2006 | 55 | 2006 |
Software testing for wireless mobile computing I Satoh IEEE Wireless Communications 11 (5), 58-64, 2004 | 55 | 2004 |
A software infrastructure for supporting spontaneous and personalized interaction in home computing environments T Nakajima, I Satoh Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 10, 379-391, 2006 | 51 | 2006 |
Bio-inspired Self-Adaptive Agents in Distributed Systems. ADCAIJ: Advances in Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence Journal (ISSN: 2255-2863) I Satoh Salamanca 1 (2), 2012 | 46 | 2012 |
Physical mobility and logical mobility in ubiquitous computing environments I Satoh International Conference on Mobile Agents, 186-201, 2002 | 46 | 2002 |
Linking physical worlds to logical worlds with mobile agents I Satoh IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management, 2004. Proceedings …, 2004 | 45 | 2004 |
A mobile agent-based framework for active networks I Satoh IEEE SMC'99 Conference Proceedings. 1999 IEEE International Conference on …, 1999 | 43 | 1999 |
Building and selecting mobile agents for network management I Satoh Journal of Network and Systems Management 14, 147-169, 2006 | 40 | 2006 |
Selection of mobile agents I Satoh 24th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, 2004 …, 2004 | 40 | 2004 |
SpatialAgents: Integrating user mobility and program mobility in ubiquitous computing environments I Satoh Wireless communications and mobile computing 3 (4), 411-423, 2003 | 40 | 2003 |