Artiklar med krav på offentlig åtkomst - Barley MakLäs mer
Tillgängliga någonstans: 3
Ethnic minority students from South Asia in Hong Kong: Language ideologies and discursive identity construction
M Michelle Gu, B Mak, X Qu
Asia Pacific Journal of Education 37 (3), 360-374, 2017
Krav: Research Grants Council, Hong Kong
Professional Qualifications of Teachers for English for Primary and Secondary Education--A Brief Comparison between Hong Kong and China.
B Mak
Journal of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics 20 (2), 19-29, 2016
Krav: Research Grants Council, Hong Kong
Australian grades 4 to 6 teachers’ beliefs and practices about teaching writing to low SES students
C Ng, S Graham, P Renshaw, A Cheung, B Mak
International Journal of Educational Research 124, 102304, 2024
Krav: Australian Research Council
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