Snežana Andjelković, Principal Research Fellow
Snežana Andjelković, Principal Research Fellow
Insitute for forage crops Kruševac
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Actinobacteria-enhanced plant growth, nutrient acquisition, and crop protection: Advances in soil, plant, and microbial multifactorial interactions
D Mitra, R Mondal, B Khoshru, A Senapati, TK Radha, B Mahakur, ...
Pedosphere 32 (1), 149-170, 2022
The potential of different plant species for heavy metals accumulation and distribution
RFTZSILŠS Andjelković
Journal of Food Agriculture and Environment 10 (1), 959-964, 2012
Phosphate-solubilizing microbes and biocontrol agent for plant nutrition and protection: current perspective
D Mitra, S Anđelković, P Panneerselvam, A Senapati, T Vasić, ...
Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 51 (5), 645-657, 2020
Amelioration of thermal stress in crops by plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria
D Mitra, AMD Rodriguez, FIP Cota, B Khoshru, P Panneerselvam, ...
Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology 115, 101679, 2021
Genotoxicity screening of the river Rasina in Serbia using the Allium anaphase–telophase test
M Vujošević, S Anđelković, G Savić, J Blagojević
Environmental monitoring and assessment 147, 75-81, 2008
Plant growth promoting microorganisms (PGPMs) helping in sustainable agriculture: current perspective
M Debasis, A Snežana, P Panneerselvam, C Manisha, S Ansuman, ...
Int. J. Agric. Vet. Sci 7, 50-74, 2019
Rock phosphate solubilizing potential of soil microorganisms: advances in sustainable crop production
B Khoshru, AF Nosratabad, D Mitra, M Chaithra, YR Danesh, G Boyno, ...
Bacteria 2 (2), 98-115, 2023
Genetic variation of root characteristics and deep root production in perennial ryegrass cultivars contrasting in field persistency
D Sokolovic, S Babic, J Radovic, J Milenkovic, Z Lugic, S Andjelkovic, ...
Breeding strategies for sustainable forage and turf grass improvement, 275-281, 2013
The effect of azotobacter and actinomycetes on the growth of English ryegrass and microbiological activity in its rhizosphere.
Research Journal of Agricultural Science 44 (2), 2012
The Influence of individual and combined inoculants on development of alfalfa on acidic soil
S Andjelković, T Vasić, Z Lugić, S Babić, J Milenković, G Jevtić, S Živković
Quantitative Traits Breeding for Multifunctional Grasslands and Turf, 353-357, 2014
Effect of bacterial inoculants application and seeding rate on common vetch-oat silage quality
J Marković, M Blagojević, I Kostić, T Vasić, S Anđelković, M Petrović, ...
Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry 34 (2), 251-257, 2018
Morphological description and molecular detection of Pestalotiopsis sp on hazelnut in Serbia
T Vasić, D Jevremović, V Krnjaja, A Leposavić, S Anđelković, S Živković, ...
Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research 15 (3), e10SC02, 2017
Identification and Characterization of Eutypa lata on Grapevine in Serbia.
TV Živković Sanja., Vasić Tanja., Anđelković Snežana. Jevremović Darko.
Plant disease 96 (6), 913, 2012
Alfalfa inoculation: the effect on root growth and number of rhizospheric microorganisms
T Vasić, S Andjelković, J Radović, Z Lugić, T Hajnal-Jafari, S Djurić, ...
Romanian Biotechnological Letters 19 (4), 9457-9464, 2014
Genetic diversity within and among alfalfa varieties for some traits
J Radovic, D Sokolovic, Z Lugic, S Anđelković, R Štrbanović
Sustainable Use of Genetic Diversity in Forage and Turf Breeding, 319-324, 2010
Macroelements in red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) relative to cow requirements
J Markovic, B Dinic, D Terzic, S Andjelkovic, J Milenkovic, M Blagojevic, ...
Fifth International Scientific Agricultural Symposium “Agrosym, 23-26, 2014
Bioinformatics’ role in studying microbe-mediated biotic and abiotic stress tolerance
D Mitra, P Chaudhary, D Verma, B Khoshru, A Senapati, B Mahakur, ...
Microbial Management of Plant Stresses, 203-219, 2021
Abundance of azotobacter in the soil of natural and artificial grasslands
S Andjelković, T Vasića, J Radovića, S Babića, J Markovića, V Zornića, ...
Soil Science Society of Serbia, 172-175, 2018
Variability of herbage quality of meadow fescue populations and cultivars
S Babić, D Sokolović, G Šurlan-Momirović, B Dinić, S Anđelković, ...
Grassland–a European Resource?, 332, 2012
Effect of nitrogen fertiliser and lime on the floristic composition, soil microbes and dry matter yield of danthonietum calycinae grassland
V Zornić, V Stevovic, Z Lugic, S Anđelković, G Jevtić, J Radovic, ...
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