Anthony Bertelli
Anthony Bertelli
Pennsylvania State University and Barcelona Institute of International Studies (IBEI)
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Separated powers in the United States: The ideology of agencies, presidents, and congress
JD Clinton, A Bertelli, CR Grose, DE Lewis, DC Nixon
American Journal of Political Science 56 (2), 341-354, 2012
Determinants of bureaucratic turnover intention: Evidence from the Department of the Treasury
AM Bertelli
Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 17 (2), 235-258, 2007
Madison's managers: Public administration and the Constitution
AM Bertelli, LE Lynn
JHU Press, 2006
Secretaries of pork? A new theory of distributive public policy
AM Bertelli, CR Grose
The Journal of Politics 71 (3), 926-945, 2009
Relational contracting and network management
AM Bertelli, CR Smith
Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 20 (suppl_1), i21-i40, 2010
The policy agenda and British politics
P John, A Bertelli, W Jennings, S Bevan, P John, A Bertelli, W Jennings, ...
Policy Agendas in British Politics, 1-22, 2013
Strategic appointments
A Bertelli, SE Feldmann
Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 17 (1), 19-38, 2007
The lengthened shadow of another institution? Ideal point estimates for the executive branch and congress
AM Bertelli, CR Grose
American Journal of Political Science 55 (4), 767-781, 2011
Measuring municipal transparency
A Bertelli, S Pietrowski
Unpublished paper presented at 14th IRSPM conference Bern, Switzerland on …, 2010
Motivation crowding and the federal civil servant: Evidence from the US Internal Revenue Service
AM Bertelli
International Public Management Journal 9 (1), 3-23, 2006
Policy influence, agency-specific expertise, and exit in the federal service
AM Bertelli, DE Lewis
Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 23 (2), 223-245, 2012
Managerial responsibility
AM Bertelli, LE Lynn
Public administration review 63 (3), 259-268, 2003
An agenda for the study of public administration in developing countries
AM Bertelli, M Hassan, D Honig, D Rogger, MJ Williams
Governance 33 (4), 735-748, 2020
The political economy of public sector governance
AM Bertelli
Cambridge University Press, 2012
The role of political ideology in the structural design of new governance agencies
A Bertelli
Public Administration Review 66 (4), 583-595, 2006
Demanding information: Think tanks and the US Congress
AM Bertelli, JB Wenger
British Journal of Political Science 39 (2), 225-242, 2009
Governing the quango: An auditing and cheating model of quasi-governmental authorities
AM Bertelli
Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 16 (2), 239-261, 2006
Delegating to the Quango: Ex ante and ex post ministerial constraints
AM Bertelli
Governance 19 (2), 229-249, 2006
The behavioral impact of drinking and driving laws
AM Bertelli, LE Richardson Jr
Policy Studies Journal 36 (4), 545-569, 2008
Perceiving credible commitments: How independent regulators shape elite perceptions of regulatory quality
AM Bertelli, AB Whitford
British Journal of Political Science 39 (3), 517-537, 2009
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