Artiklar med krav på offentlig åtkomst - Susan Napier ThomasLäs mer
Inte tillgängliga någonstans: 2
Augmenting the synergies of chemotherapy and immunotherapy through drug delivery
J Kim, MP Manspeaker, SN Thomas
Acta biomaterialia 88, 1-14, 2019
Krav: Susan G. Komen
Hematogenous metastasis: roles of CD44v and alternative sialofucosylated selectin ligands
K Konstantopoulos, SN Thomas
The Molecular Immunology of Complex Carbohydrates-3, 601-619, 2011
Krav: US National Institutes of Health
Tillgängliga någonstans: 64
Material design for lymph node drug delivery
A Schudel, DM Francis, SN Thomas
Nature Reviews Materials 4 (6), 415-428, 2019
Krav: US Department of Defense, US National Institutes of Health, Susan G. Komen
VEGF-C promotes immune tolerance in B16 melanomas and cross-presentation of tumor antigen by lymph node lymphatics
AW Lund, FV Duraes, S Hirosue, VR Raghavan, C Nembrini, SN Thomas, ...
Cell reports 1 (3), 191-199, 2012
Krav: Swiss National Science Foundation
Cancer cells in transit: the vascular interactions of tumor cells
K Konstantopoulos, SN Thomas
Annual review of biomedical engineering 11 (1), 177-202, 2009
Krav: US National Institutes of Health
Carcinoembryonic antigen and CD44 variant isoforms cooperate to mediate colon carcinoma cell adhesion to E-and L-selectin in shear flow
SN Thomas, F Zhu, RL Schnaar, CS Alves, K Konstantopoulos
Journal of biological chemistry 283 (23), 15647-15655, 2008
Krav: US National Institutes of Health
Blockade of immune checkpoints in lymph nodes through locoregional delivery augments cancer immunotherapy
DM Francis, MP Manspeaker, A Schudel, LF Sestito, MJ O’Melia, ...
Science translational medicine 12 (563), eaay3575, 2020
Krav: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Defense, US National …
Impaired humoral immunity and tolerance in K14-VEGFR-3-Ig mice that lack dermal lymphatic drainage
SN Thomas, JM Rutkowski, M Pasquier, EL Kuan, K Alitalo, GJ Randolph, ...
The Journal of Immunology 189 (5), 2181-2190, 2012
Krav: Swiss National Science Foundation, US National Institutes of Health
Programmable multistage drug delivery to lymph nodes
A Schudel, AP Chapman, MK Yau, CJ Higginson, DM Francis, ...
Nature nanotechnology 15 (6), 491-499, 2020
Krav: US National Science Foundation, US National Institutes of Health, American …
The dual role of CD44 as a functional P-selectin ligand and fibrin receptor in colon carcinoma cell adhesion
CS Alves, MM Burdick, SN Thomas, P Pawar, K Konstantopoulos
American Journal of Physiology-Cell Physiology 294 (4), C907-C916, 2008
Krav: US National Institutes of Health
Overcoming transport barriers for interstitial-, lymphatic-, and lymph node-targeted drug delivery
SN Thomas, A Schudel
Current opinion in chemical engineering 7, 65-74, 2015
Krav: US National Institutes of Health
Thermosensitive hydrogel releasing nitric oxide donor and anti-CTLA-4 micelles for anti-tumor immunotherapy
J Kim, DM Francis, LF Sestito, PA Archer, MP Manspeaker, MJ O’Melia, ...
Nature Communications 13 (1), 1479, 2022
Krav: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Defense, US National …
Podocalyxin-like protein is an E-/L-selectin ligand on colon carcinoma cells: comparative biochemical properties of selectin ligands in host and tumor cells
SN Thomas, RL Schnaar, K Konstantopoulos
American journal of physiology-Cell physiology 296 (3), C505-C513, 2009
Krav: US National Institutes of Health
Progress and opportunities for enhancing the delivery and efficacy of checkpoint inhibitors for cancer immunotherapy
DM Francis, SN Thomas
Advanced drug delivery reviews 114, 33-42, 2017
Krav: US Department of Defense, US National Institutes of Health, Susan G. Komen
Implications of lymphatic transport to lymph nodes in immunity and immunotherapy
SN Thomas, NA Rohner, EE Edwards
Annual review of biomedical engineering 18 (1), 207-233, 2016
Krav: US National Science Foundation, US National Institutes of Health
Flexible macromolecule versus rigid particle retention in the injected skin and accumulation in draining lymph nodes are differentially influenced by hydrodynamic size
NA Rohner, SN Thomas
ACS biomaterials science & engineering 3 (2), 153-159, 2017
Krav: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Defense, US National …
Divergent roles of CD44 and carcinoembryonic antigen in colon cancer metastasis
MR Dallas, G Liu, WC Chen, SN Thomas, D Wirtz, DL Huso, ...
The FASEB journal 26 (6), 2648, 2012
Krav: US National Institutes of Health
A rapid method for determining protein diffusion through hydrogels for regenerative medicine applications
MH Hettiaratchi, A Schudel, T Rouse, AJ García, SN Thomas, ...
APL bioengineering 2 (2), 2018
Krav: US Department of Defense, US National Institutes of Health, American Heart …
Identification, characterization and utilization of tumor cell selectin ligands in the design of colon cancer diagnostics
SN Thomas, Z Tong, KJ Stebe, K Konstantopoulos
Biorheology 46 (3), 207-225, 2009
Krav: US National Institutes of Health
Lymph node biophysical remodeling is associated with melanoma lymphatic drainage
NA Rohner, J McClain, SL Tuell, A Warner, B Smith, Y Yun, A Mohan, ...
The FASEB Journal 29 (11), 4512, 2015
Krav: US National Institutes of Health
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