Artiklar med krav på offentlig åtkomst - Eduardo RochaLäs mer
Inte tillgängliga någonstans: 2
Differential stress responsiveness determines intraspecies virulence heterogeneity and host adaptation in Listeria monocytogenes
L Hafner, E Gadin, L Huang, A Frouin, F Laporte, C Gaultier, A Vieira, ...
Nature microbiology, 1-17, 2024
Krav: European Commission, Agence Nationale de la Recherche
Research briefing
M Ares-Arroyo, EPC Rocha
Nature 9, 3095-3096, 2024
Krav: European Commission, Agence Nationale de la Recherche
Tillgängliga någonstans: 116
Mobility of plasmids
C Smillie, MP Garcillán-Barcia, MV Francia, EPC Rocha, F de la Cruz
Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews 74 (3), 434-452, 2010
Krav: Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Uncovering Listeria monocytogenes hypervirulence by harnessing its biodiversity
MM Maury, YH Tsai, C Charlier, M Touchon, V Chenal-Francisque, ...
Nature genetics 48 (3), 308-313, 2016
Krav: National Institute of Health and Medical Research, France, European Commission
Whole genome-based population biology and epidemiological surveillance of Listeria monocytogenes
A Moura, A Criscuolo, H Pouseele, MM Maury, A Leclercq, C Tarr, ...
Nature microbiology 2 (2), 1-10, 2016
Krav: Swiss National Science Foundation, National Institute of Health and Medical …
The repertoire of ICE in prokaryotes underscores the unity, diversity, and ubiquity of conjugation
J Guglielmini, L Quintais, MP Garcillán-Barcia, F de La Cruz, EPC Rocha
PLoS genetics 7 (8), e1002222, 2011
Krav: Government of Spain
Identification of protein secretion systems in bacterial genomes
SS Abby, J Cury, J Guglielmini, B Néron, M Touchon, EPC Rocha
Scientific reports 6 (1), 23080, 2016
Krav: European Commission
What traits are carried on mobile genetic elements, and why?
DJ Rankin, EPC Rocha, SP Brown
Heredity 106 (1), 1-10, 2011
Krav: Swiss National Science Foundation
MacSyFinder: a program to mine genomes for molecular systems with an application to CRISPR-Cas systems
SS Abby, B Néron, H Ménager, M Touchon, EPC Rocha
PloS one 9 (10), e110726, 2014
Krav: European Commission
Pervasive domestication of defective prophages by bacteria
LM Bobay, M Touchon, EPC Rocha
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (33), 12127-12132, 2014
Krav: European Commission
Genetic and life-history traits associated with the distribution of prophages in bacteria
M Touchon, A Bernheim, EPC Rocha
The ISME journal 10 (11), 2744-2754, 2016
Krav: European Commission
The interplay of restriction-modification systems with mobile genetic elements and their prokaryotic hosts
PH Oliveira, M Touchon, EPC Rocha
Nucleic acids research 42 (16), 10618-10631, 2014
Krav: European Commission
Pathways for horizontal gene transfer in bacteria revealed by a global map of their plasmids
S Redondo-Salvo, R Fernández-López, R Ruiz, L Vielva, M de Toro, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 3602, 2020
Krav: Government of Spain
The genomic diversification of the whole Acinetobacter genus: origins, mechanisms, and consequences
M Touchon, J Cury, EJ Yoon, L Krizova, GC Cerqueira, C Murphy, ...
Genome biology and evolution 6 (10), 2866-2882, 2014
Krav: US National Institutes of Health, European Commission
Identification and analysis of integrons and cassette arrays in bacterial genomes
J Cury, T Jové, M Touchon, B Néron, EPC Rocha
Nucleic acids research 44 (10), 4539-4550, 2016
Krav: European Commission
Horizontal gene transfer of the secretome drives the evolution of bacterial cooperation and virulence
T Nogueira, DJ Rankin, M Touchon, F Taddei, SP Brown, EPC Rocha
Current Biology 19 (20), 1683-1691, 2009
Krav: Swiss National Science Foundation
Phages and their satellites encode hotspots of antiviral systems
F Rousset, F Depardieu, S Miele, J Dowding, AL Laval, E Lieberman, ...
Cell host & microbe 30 (5), 740-753. e5, 2022
Krav: European Commission, Agence Nationale de la Recherche
Evolution of conjugation and type IV secretion systems
J Guglielmini, F de La Cruz, EPC Rocha
Molecular biology and evolution 30 (2), 315-331, 2013
Krav: Government of Spain
Key components of the eight classes of type IV secretion systems involved in bacterial conjugation or protein secretion
J Guglielmini, B Néron, SS Abby, MP Garcillán-Barcia, F la Cruz, ...
Nucleic acids research 42 (9), 5715-5727, 2014
Krav: European Commission, Government of Spain
The chromosomal organization of horizontal gene transfer in bacteria
PH Oliveira, M Touchon, J Cury, EPC Rocha
Nature communications 8 (1), 841, 2017
Krav: European Commission
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