Katharina Scheiter
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Explaining the split-attention effect: Is the reduction of extraneous cognitive load accompanied by an increase in germane cognitive load?
G Cierniak, K Scheiter, P Gerjets
Computers in Human Behavior 25 (2), 315-324, 2009
Eye tracking as a tool to study and enhance multimedia learning
T Van Gog, K Scheiter
Learning and instruction 20 (2), 95-99, 2010
In the eyes of the beholder: How experts and novices interpret dynamic stimuli
H Jarodzka, K Scheiter, P Gerjets, T Van Gog
Learning and instruction 20 (2), 146-154, 2010
Learner control in hypermedia environments
K Scheiter, P Gerjets
Educational Psychology Review 19, 285-307, 2007
Designing instructional examples to reduce intrinsic cognitive load: Molar versus modular presentation of solution procedures
P Gerjets, K Scheiter, R Catrambone
Instructional Science 32, 33-58, 2004
Goal configurations and processing strategies as moderators between instructional design and cognitive load: Evidence from hypertext-based instruction
P Gerjets, K Scheiter
Educational psychologist 38 (1), 33-41, 2003
Learning to see: Guiding students' attention via a model's eye movements fosters learning
H Jarodzka, T Van Gog, M Dorr, K Scheiter, P Gerjets
Learning and Instruction 25, 62-70, 2013
Can learning from molar and modular worked examples be enhanced by providing instructional explanations and prompting self-explanations?
P Gerjets, K Scheiter, R Catrambone
Learning and Instruction 16 (2), 104-121, 2006
Signaling text-picture relations in multimedia learning: A comprehensive meta-analysis
J Richter, K Scheiter, A Eitel
Educational Research Review 17, 19-36, 2016
Professional knowledge or motivation? Investigating the role of teachers’ expertise on the quality of technology-enhanced lesson plans
I Backfisch, A Lachner, C Hische, F Loose, K Scheiter
Learning and instruction 66, 101300, 2020
Attention guidance during example study via the model’s eye movements
T Van Gog, H Jarodzka, K Scheiter, P Gerjets, F Paas
Computers in Human Behavior 25 (3), 785-791, 2009
Variability of teachers’ technology integration in the classroom: A matter of utility!
I Backfisch, A Lachner, K Stürmer, K Scheiter
Computers & Education 166, 104159, 2021
Studying visual displays: How to instructionally support learning
A Renkl, K Scheiter
Educational Psychology Review 29 (3), 599-621, 2017
How a picture facilitates the process of learning from text: Evidence for scaffolding
A Eitel, K Scheiter, A Schüler, M Nyström, K Holmqvist
Learning and Instruction 28, 48-63, 2013
Conveying clinical reasoning based on visual observation via eye-movement modelling examples
H Jarodzka, T Balslev, K Holmqvist, M Nyström, K Scheiter, P Gerjets, ...
Instructional Science 40, 813-827, 2012
The effects of realism in learning with dynamic visualizations
K Scheiter, P Gerjets, T Huk, B Imhof, Y Kammerer
Learning and Instruction 19 (6), 481-494, 2009
Digitalisierung in der Lehrerbildung: Herausforderungen, Entwicklungsfelder und Förderung von Gesamtkonzepten
I Van Ackeren, S Aufenanger, B Eickelmann, S Friedrich, R Kammerl, ...
DDS–Die Deutsche Schule 111 (1), 103-119, 2019
Signals foster multimedia learning by supporting integration of highlighted text and diagram elements
K Scheiter, A Eitel
Learning and Instruction 36, 11-26, 2015
Learning with hypermedia: The influence of representational formats and different levels of learner control on performance and learning behavior
P Gerjets, K Scheiter, M Opfermann, FW Hesse, THS Eysink
Computers in human behavior 25 (2), 360-370, 2009
The scientific value of cognitive load theory: A research agenda based on the structuralist view of theories
P Gerjets, K Scheiter, G Cierniak
Educational Psychology Review 21, 43-54, 2009
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