Brian K Boyd
Brian K Boyd
Franke College of Business, NAU
Verifierad e-postadress på nau.edu
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CEO duality and firm performance: A contingency model
BK Boyd
Strategic management journal 16 (4), 301-312, 1995
Board control and CEO compensation
BK Boyd
Strategic management journal 15 (5), 335-344, 1994
Corporate linkages and organizational environment: A test of the resource dependence model
B Boyd
Strategic management journal 11 (6), 419-430, 1990
How much does the CEO matter? The role of managerial discretion in the setting of CEO compensation
S Finkelstein, BK Boyd
Academy of Management journal 41 (2), 179-199, 1998
Divergence between archival and perceptual measures of the environment: Causes and consequences
BK Boyd, GG Dess, AMA Rasheed
Academy of management review 18 (2), 204-226, 1993
Strategic planning and financial performance: a meta‐analytic review
BK Boyd
Journal of management studies 28 (4), 353-374, 1991
Emerging theories of communication in organizations
J Fulk, B Boyd
Journal of management 17 (2), 407-446, 1991
Reconsidering the reputation—performance relationship: A resource-based view
BK Boyd, DD Bergh, DJ Ketchen Jr
Journal of management 36 (3), 588-609, 2010
Executive scanning and perceived uncertainty: A multidimensional model
BK Boyd, J Fulk
Journal of management 22 (1), 1-21, 1996
Information asymmetry in management research: Past accomplishments and future opportunities
DD Bergh, DJ Ketchen Jr, I Orlandi, PP Heugens, BK Boyd
Journal of management 45 (1), 122-158, 2019
Construct measurement in strategic management research: illusion or reality?
BK Boyd, S Gove, MA Hitt
Strategic management journal 26 (3), 239-257, 2005
A measurement model of strategic planning
BK Boyd, E Reuning‐Elliott
Strategic management journal 19 (2), 181-192, 1998
The strategic value of CEO external directorate networks: Implications for CEO compensation
MA Geletkanycz, BK Boyd, S Finkelstein
Strategic Management Journal 22 (9), 889-898, 2001
Using meta‐analytic structural equation modeling to advance strategic management research: Guidelines and an empirical illustration via the strategic leadership‐performance …
DD Bergh, H Aguinis, C Heavey, DJ Ketchen, BK Boyd, P Su, CLL Lau, ...
Strategic management journal 37 (3), 477-497, 2016
Walking new avenues in management research methods and theories: Bridging micro and macro domains
H Aguinis, BK Boyd, CA Pierce, JC Short
Journal of Management 37 (2), 395-403, 2011
Research methodology in strategic management: Past accomplishments and future challenges
DJ Ketchen Jr, BK Boyd, DD Bergh
Organizational Research Methods 11 (4), 643-658, 2008
Contingency hypotheses in strategic management research: Use, disuse, or misuse?
BK Boyd, K Takacs Haynes, MA Hitt, DD Bergh, DJ Ketchen Jr
Journal of management 38 (1), 278-313, 2012
CEO outside directorships and firm performance: A reconciliation of agency and embeddedness views
MA Geletkanycz, BK Boyd
Academy of management journal 54 (2), 335-352, 2011
Strategic reward systems: A contingency model of pay system design
BK Boyd, A Salamin
Strategic management journal 22 (8), 777-792, 2001
Dimensions of CEO–board relations
BK Boyd, KT Haynes, F Zona
Journal of management studies 48 (8), 1892-1923, 2011
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