Jinelle Sperry
Jinelle Sperry
Wildlife Biologist, ERDC-CERL; Adjunct Asst Prof, UI NRES
Verifierad e-postadress på illinois.edu
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Snake activity affects seasonal variation in nest predation risk for birds
JH Sperry, RG Peak, DA Cimprich, PJ Weatherhead
Journal of Avian Biology 39 (4), 379-383, 2008
Effects of antipredator training, environmental enrichment, and soft release on wildlife translocations: a review and meta-analysis
SJ Tetzlaff, JH Sperry, BA DeGregorio
Biological Conservation 236, 324-331, 2019
Structure, spatial dynamics, and stability of novel seed dispersal mutualistic networks in Hawaiʻi
J Vizentin-Bugoni, CE Tarwater, JT Foster, DR Drake, JM Gleditsch, ...
Science 364 (6435), 78-82, 2019
Reproductive decisions in anurans: a review of how predation and competition affects the deposition of eggs and tadpoles
VL Buxton, JH Sperry
BioScience 67 (1), 26-38, 2017
Nest predators of North American birds: continental patterns and implications
BA DeGregorio, SJ Chiavacci, TJ Benson, JH Sperry, PJ Weatherhead
BioScience 66 (8), 655-665, 2016
Snake predation on North American bird nests: culprits, patterns and future directions
BA DeGregorio, SJ Chiavacci, PJ Weatherhead, JD Willson, TJ Benson, ...
Journal of Avian Biology 45 (4), 325-333, 2014
Power lines, roads, and avian nest survival: effects on predator identity and predation intensity
BA DeGregorio, PJ Weatherhead, JH Sperry
Ecology and Evolution 4 (9), 1589-1600, 2014
Latitudinal variation in thermal ecology of North American ratsnakes and its implications for the effect of climate warming on snakes
PJ Weatherhead, JH Sperry, GLF Carfagno, G Blouin-Demers
Journal of thermal Biology 37 (4), 273-281, 2012
Evaluation of automated radio telemetry for quantifying movements and home ranges of snakes
MP Ward, JH Sperry, PJ Weatherhead
Journal of Herpetology 47 (2), 337-345, 2013
Prey‐mediated effects of drought on condition and survival of a terrestrial snake
JH Sperry, PJ Weatherhead
Ecology 89 (10), 2770-2776, 2008
SNAPSHOT USA 2019: a coordinated national camera trap survey of the United States
MV Cove, R Kays, H Bontrager, C Bresnan, M Lasky, T Frerichs, R Klann, ...
Ecology 102 (6), e03353, 2021
Effects of temperature, moon phase, and prey on nocturnal activity in ratsnakes: an automated telemetry study
JH Sperry, MP Ward, PJ Weatherhead
Journal of Herpetology 47 (1), 105-111, 2013
Variation in individual temperature preferences, not behavioural fever, affects susceptibility to chytridiomycosis in amphibians
EL Sauer, RC Fuller, CL Richards-Zawacki, J Sonn, JH Sperry, JR Rohr
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 285 (1885), 20181111, 2018
Including rewiring in the estimation of the robustness of mutualistic networks
J Vizentin‐Bugoni, VJ Debastiani, VAG Bastazini, PK Maruyama, ...
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 11 (1), 106-116, 2020
A review of conspecific attraction for habitat selection across taxa
VL Buxton, JK Enos, JH Sperry, MP Ward
Ecology and evolution 10 (23), 12690-12699, 2020
Linking snake behavior to nest predation in a Midwestern bird community
PJ Weatherhead, GLF Carfagno, JH Sperry, JD Brawn, SK Robinson
Ecological Applications 20 (1), 234-241, 2010
Is nest predation on two endangered bird species higher in habitats preferred by snakes?
JH Sperry, DA Cimprich, RG Peak, PJ Weatherhead
Ecoscience 16 (1), 111-118, 2009
Does prey availability determine seasonal patterns of habitat selection in Texas ratsnakes
JH Sperry, PJ Weatherhead
Journal of Herpetology 43 (1), 55-64, 2009
Indirect effect of climate change: Shifts in ratsnake behavior alter intensity and timing of avian nest predation
BA DeGregorio, JD Westervelt, PJ Weatherhead, JH Sperry
Ecological Modelling 312, 239-246, 2015
Latitudinal variation in seasonal activity and mortality in ratsnakes (Elaphe obsoleta)
JH Sperry, G Blouin-Demers, GLF Carfagno, PJ Weatherhead
Ecology 91 (6), 1860-1866, 2010
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