Vít Rusňák
Vít Rusňák
Institute of Computer Science, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic
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Designing coherent gesture sets for multi-scale navigation on tabletops
V Rusnák, C Appert, O Chapuis, E Pietriga
Proceedings of the 2018 CHI conference on human factors in computing systems …, 2018
Efficient JPEG2000 EBCOT context modeling for massively parallel architectures
J Matela, V Rusňák, P Holub
2011 Data Compression Conference, 423-432, 2011
Conceptual model of visual analytics for hands-on cybersecurity training
R Ošlejšek, V Rusňák, K Burská, V Švábenský, J Vykopal, J Čegan
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 27 (8), 3425-3437, 2020
Visual feedback for players of multi-level capture the flag games: Field usability study
R Ošlejšek, V Rusňák, K Burská, V Švábenský, J Vykopal
2019 IEEE Symposium on Visualization for Cyber Security (VizSec), 1-11, 2019
Evaluation of cyber defense exercises using visual analytics process
R Ošlejšek, J Vykopal, K Burská, V Rusňák
2018 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), 1-9, 2018
GPU-based sample-parallel context modeling for EBCOT in JPEG2000
J Matela, V Rusnak, P Holub
Sixth Doctoral Workshop on Mathematical and Engineering Methods in Computer …, 2011
Reflecting on hybrid events: Learning from a year of hybrid experiences
AA Ansah, AS Vivacqua, S Zhong, S Boll, M Constantinides, H Verma, ...
Extended Abstracts of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing …, 2023
Data-driven insight into the puzzle-based cybersecurity training
KD Burská, V Rusňák, R Ošlejšek
Computers & Graphics 102, 441-451, 2022
Geovisto: A Toolkit for Generic Geospatial Data Visualization.
J Hynek, J Kachlík, V Rusnák
VISIGRAPP (3: IVAPP), 101-111, 2021
Toward natural multi-user interaction in advanced collaborative display environments
V Rusňák, L Ručka, P Holub
Future Generation Computer Systems 54, 313-325, 2016
PCAPFunnel: A tool for rapid exploration of packet capture files
J Uhlár, M Holkovič, V Rusňák
2021 25th International Conference Information Visualisation (IV), 69-76, 2021
Automated hypermedia authoring for individualized learning
M Liška12, V Rusňák, E Hladká1
Zapojení interaktivní výuky do pregraduálního studia akutní medicíny: virtuální pacient, pokročilé simulace a přenosy z operačních sálů
H Harazim, P Štourač, M Kosinová, O Smékalová, R Štoudek, D Schwarz, ...
Anesteziologie a intenzivní medicína 26 (4), 202-212, 2015
Towards interactive geovisualization authoring toolkit for industry use cases
J Hynek, V Rusňák
International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer …, 2021
DNS firewall data visualization
S Špaček, V Rusňák, AM Dombajová
2019 IFIP/IEEE Symposium on Integrated Network and Service Management (IM …, 2019
CoUnSiL: A video conferencing environment for interpretation of sign language in higher education
V Rusñák, P Troubil, D Daxnerová, P Kajaba, M Minárik, S Ondra, ...
2016 15th International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher …, 2016
Design and implementation of arithmetic coder for CUDA platform
V Rusnak
diploma thesis of Masarykova univerzita, 2010
Enhancing situational awareness for tutors of Cybersecurity Capture the Flag games
KD Burská, V Rusňák, R Ošlejšek
2021 25th International Conference Information Visualisation (IV), 235-242, 2021
Towards User-Aware Multi-touch Interaction Layer for Group Collaborative Systems
V Rusňák, L Ručka, P Holub
International Doctoral Workshop on Mathematical and Engineering Methods in …, 2012
GPU-Based Sample-Parallel Context Modeling for EBCOT in JPEG2000.
J Matela, V Rusnák, P Holub
MEMICS, 77-84, 2010
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