David Most
David Most
Verifierad e-postadress på colostate.edu
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Magical flight and monstrous stress: Technologies of absorption and mental wellness in Azeroth
JG Snodgrass, MG Lacy, HJ Francois Dengah, J Fagan, DE Most
Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry 35, 26-62, 2011
The Down syndrome behavioural phenotype: Taking a developmental approach
D Fidler, D Most, A Philofsky
Stress trajectories in mothers of young children with Down syndrome
DE Most, DJ Fidler, C Laforce‐Booth, J Kelly
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research 50 (7), 501-514, 2006
Emerging social strengths in young children with Down syndrome
DJ Fidler, DE Most, C Booth-LaForce, JF Kelly
Infants & Young Children 21 (3), 207-220, 2008
Neuropsychological correlates of word identification in Down syndrome
DJ Fidler, DE Most, MM Guiberson
Research in developmental disabilities 26 (5), 487-501, 2005
Patterns of doctoral student degree completion: A longitudinal analysis
DE Most
Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory & Practice 10 (2 …, 2008
Restorative magical adventure or warcrack? Motivated MMO play and the pleasures and perils of online experience
JG Snodgrass, HJF Dengah, MG Lacy, J Fagan, D Most, M Blank, ...
Games and Culture 7 (1), 3-28, 2012
Emotional responsivity in young children with Williams syndrome
DJ Fidler, SL Hepburn, DE Most, A Philofsky, SJ Rogers
American Journal on Mental Retardation 112 (3), 194-206, 2007
Religious ritual is good medicine for indigenous Indian conservation refugees: Implications for global mental health
JG Snodgrass, DE Most, C Upadhyay
Current Anthropology 58 (2), 257-284, 2017
Temperament and behaviour problems in young children with Down syndrome at 12, 30, and 45 months
D Fidler, D Most, C Booth-LaForce, J Kelly
Down Syndrome Research and Practice 10 (1), 23-29, 2006
Age-related differences in smiling and personality in Down syndrome
DJ Fidler, KC Barrett, DE Most
Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities 17, 263-280, 2005
Characteristics and culture of geoscience departments as interpreted from their website photographs
J Sexton, S O'Connell, JH Banning, DE Most
Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering 20 (3), 2014
Genetic disorders associated with intellectual disability: an early development perspective
DJ Fidler, L Daunhauer, DE Most, H Switzky
The Wiley‐Blackwell Handbook of Infant Development 2, 308-334, 2010
Gender asymmetries encountered in the search and exploration of mining engineering program web sites: A portrayal of posture and roles
JH Banning, J Sexton, DE Most, S Maier
Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering 13 (2), 2007
Understanding the decision to enroll in graduate business programs: influence of sociological and economic factors and gender
S Douglas
Colorado State University, 2017
Funding and finishing the Ph. D.: The role of graduate support mechanisms
D Most
University of California, Los Angeles, 2002
An empirical comparison of statistical models for Salmonella mutagenicity test data
DE Most
MS Thesis Department of Biostatistics, University of North Carolina Chapel …, 1993
Crisp sets and Boolean algebra: a research strategy for student affairs.
J Banning, B Eversole, D Most, L Kuk
College Student Journal 42 (3), 2008
Evaluating evidence regarding the efficacy of time-restricted eating for weight loss
DE Most
Frontiers in Nutrition 11, 1428998, 2024
Commentary: Vitamin D status and tic disorder: a systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies
DE Most
Frontiers in Pediatrics 12, 1385212, 2024
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