Evaluation of systemic microvascular endothelial function using laser speckle contrast imaging I Cordovil, G Huguenin, G Rosa, A Bello, O Köhler, R de Moraes, ... Microvascular research 83 (3), 376-379, 2012 | 109 | 2012 |
Effects of dietary creatine supplementation on systemic microvascular density and reactivity in healthy young adults R de Moraes, D Van Bavel, BS de Moraes, E Tibiriçá Nutrition journal 13, 1-10, 2014 | 46 | 2014 |
Effects of non-supervised low intensity aerobic excise training on the microvascular endothelial function of patients with type 1 diabetes: a non-pharmacological interventional … R de Moraes, D Van Bavel, MB Gomes, E Tibiriçá BMC cardiovascular disorders 16, 1-9, 2016 | 41 | 2016 |
Effects of exercise training on the vascular reactivity of the whole kidney circulation in rabbits RD Moraes, G Gioseffi, ACL Nóbrega, E Tibiriçá Journal of Applied Physiology 97 (2), 683-688, 2004 | 38 | 2004 |
Interval and continuous exercise training produce similar increases in skeletal muscle and left ventricle microvascular density in rats F Pereira, R de Moraes, E Tibiriçá, ACL Nóbrega BioMed research international 2013 (1), 752817, 2013 | 36 | 2013 |
Effects of dietary supplementation with creatine on homocysteinemia and systemic microvascular endothelial function in individuals adhering to vegan diets D Van Bavel, R de Moraes, E Tibirica Fundamental & clinical pharmacology 33 (4), 428-440, 2019 | 28 | 2019 |
High-intensity interval training or continuous training, combined or not with fasting, in obese or overweight women with cardiometabolic risk factors: study protocol for a … A De Lorenzo, D Van Bavel, R de Moraes, EV Tibiriça BMJ open 8 (4), e019304, 2018 | 25 | 2018 |
Early functional and structural microvascular changes in hypertension related to aging R de Moraes, E Tibirica Current Hypertension Reviews 13 (1), 24-32, 2017 | 16 | 2017 |
Chronic dynamic exercise increases apolipoprotein AI expression in rabbit renal cortex as determined by proteomic technology R de Moraes, RH Valente, IR Leon, MRO Trugilho, ACL Nóbrega, ... British journal of sports medicine 42 (5), 386-388, 2008 | 11 | 2008 |
Exercise training protects the renal circulation against high glucose challenge R De Moraes, G Gioseffi, NN Lopes, MB Gomes, ACL Nóbrega, E Tibiriçá Fundamental & clinical pharmacology 19 (5), 537-543, 2005 | 11 | 2005 |
Exertional rhabdomyolysis after military training paralleled by systemic microvascular dysfunction and plasma cytokine increase: a case report F Pereira, R Moraes, D Bavel, AR Lorenzo, E Tibirica Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia 113 (2), 294-298, 2019 | 8 | 2019 |
Ceremony analysis meets verifiable voting: Individual verifiability in Helios T Martimiano, E Dos Santos, M Olembo, JE Martina, RAR de Moraes SECURWARE 1 (1), 2, 2015 | 8 | 2015 |
Whey protein supplementation for the preservation of mass and muscular strength of patients with heart failure: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial EM Dos Santos, R de Moraes, EV Tibiriça, GVB Huguenin, ASB Moreira, ... Trials 19, 1-8, 2018 | 6 | 2018 |
Alterations of the kidney cortex proteome in response to exercise training in normoglycemic and hyperglycemic conditions R de Moraes, R H Valente, I R Leon, M RO Trugilho, A G Pacheco, ... Current topics in medicinal chemistry 14 (3), 450-461, 2014 | 5 | 2014 |
Rabdomiólise exercional após treinamento militar acompanhada de disfunsão microvascular sistêmica e aumento de citocinas no plasma: um relato de caso F Pereira, R Moraes, D Bavel, AR Lorenzo, E Tibirica Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia 113, 294-298, 2019 | 2 | 2019 |
Influência da dieta vegana deficiente em zinco e vitaminas de b12 sobre o endotélio vascular R De Moraes Revista Eletrônica Estácio Saúde 5 (2), 152-168, 2016 | 1 | 2016 |
Jiu-jitsu eleva o trabalho do miocárdio e causa hipotensão pós-exercício em atletas da categoria master TLTB da Silva, ALS Santos, TLM Barreto, FN Macedo, VU de Melo, ... Revista Brasileira de Fisiologia do Exercício 19 (3), 224-231, 2020 | | 2020 |
Effects of Riot Control Training on Systemic Microvascular Reactivity and Capillary Density F Pereira, R de Moraes, D Van Bavel, A De Lorenzo, E Tibirica Military medicine 183 (11-12), e713-e720, 2018 | | 2018 |
Research Article Interval and Continuous Exercise Training Produce Similar Increases in Skeletal Muscle and Left Ventricle Microvascular Density in Rats F Pereira, R de Moraes, E Tibiriçá, ACL Nóbrega | | 2013 |
Assessment of Cutaneous microvascular reactivity using laser speckle contrast imaging coupled to pharmacological and physiological stimuli I Cordovil, J Barbosa Filho, R de Moraes, E Tibirica JOURNAL OF VASCULAR RESEARCH 48, 128-128, 2011 | | 2011 |