Trends, drivers and impacts of changes in swidden cultivation in tropical forest-agriculture frontiers: A global assessment N van Vliet, O Mertz, A Heinimann, T Langanke, U Pascual, B Schmook, ... Global Environmental Change 22, 418–429, 2012 | 751 | 2012 |
Environmental consequences of the demise in swidden cultivation in Southeast Asia: carbon storage and soil quality TB Bruun, A De Neergaard, D Lawrence, AD Ziegler Human Ecology 37, 375-388, 2009 | 304 | 2009 |
Carbon outcomes of major land‐cover transitions in SE Asia: great uncertainties and REDD+ policy implications AD Ziegler, J Phelps, JQ Yuen, EL Webb, D Lawrence, JM Fox, TB Bruun, ... Global change biology 18 (10), 3087-3099, 2012 | 270 | 2012 |
Organic carbon dynamics in different soil types after conversion of forest to agriculture TB Bruun, B Elberling, A de Neergaard, J Magid Land Degradation & Development 26 (3), 272-283, 2015 | 255 | 2015 |
Consequences of swidden transitions for crop and fallow biodiversity in Southeast Asia K Rerkasem, D Lawrence, C Padoch, D Schmidt-Vogt, AD Ziegler, ... Human Ecology 37, 347-360, 2009 | 248 | 2009 |
Environmental consequences of the demise in swidden cultivation in montane mainland Southeast Asia: hydrology and geomorphology AD Ziegler, TB Bruun, M Guardiola-Claramonte, TW Giambelluca, ... Human Ecology 37, 361-373, 2009 | 245 | 2009 |
The impact of swidden decline on livelihoods and ecosystem services in Southeast Asia: A review of the evidence from 1990 to 2015 WH Dressler, D Wilson, J Clendenning, R Cramb, R Keenan, S Mahanty, ... Ambio 46, 291-310, 2017 | 185 | 2017 |
Lability of soil organic carbon in tropical soils with different clay minerals TB Bruun, B Elberling, BT Christensen Soil Biology and Biochemistry 42 (6), 888-895, 2010 | 172 | 2010 |
Linking yields of upland rice in shifting cultivation to fallow length and soil properties TB Bruun, O Mertz, B Elberling Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 113 (1-4), 139-149, 2006 | 142 | 2006 |
A fresh look at shifting cultivation: fallow length an uncertain indicator of productivity O Mertz, RL Wadley, U Nielsen, TB Bruun, CJP Colfer, A de Neergaard, ... Agricultural Systems 96 (1-3), 75-84, 2008 | 134 | 2008 |
The forgotten D: challenges of addressing forest degradation in complex mosaic landscapes under REDD+ O Mertz, D Müller, T Sikor, C Hett, A Heinimann, JC Castella, G Lestrelin, ... Geografisk Tidsskrift-Danish Journal of Geography 112 (1), 63-76, 2012 | 118 | 2012 |
How countries plan to address agricultural adaptation and mitigation: An analysis of Intended Nationally Determined Contributions. CCAFS dataset MB Richards, TB Bruun, BM Campbell, LE Gregersen, S Huyer, V Kuntze, ... | 117 | 2016 |
Recognizing contemporary roles of swidden agriculture in transforming landscapes of Southeast Asia AD Ziegler, JM Fox, EL Webb, C Padoch, SJ Leisz, RA Cramb, O Mertz, ... Conservation Biology 25 (4), 846-848, 2011 | 99 | 2011 |
Intensification of upland agriculture in Thailand: Development or degradation? TB Bruun, A de Neergaard, ML Burup, CM Hepp, MN Larsen, C Abel, ... Land Degradation & Development 28 (1), 83-94, 2017 | 81 | 2017 |
The system of rice intensification: adapted practices, reported outcomes and their relevance in Cambodia P Ly, LS Jensen, TB Bruun, D Rutz, A de Neergaard Agricultural Systems 113, 16-27, 2012 | 76 | 2012 |
Changes in soil organic carbon stocks after conversion from forest to oil palm plantations in Malaysian Borneo N Rahman, A de Neergaard, J Magid, GWJ van de Ven, KE Giller, ... Environmental Research Letters 13 (10), 105001, 2018 | 62 | 2018 |
Methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from the system of rice intensification (SRI) under a rain-fed lowland rice ecosystem in Cambodia P Ly, LS Jensen, TB Bruun, A de Neergaard Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 97, 13-27, 2013 | 58 | 2013 |
The last swiddens of Sarawak, Malaysia O Mertz, K Egay, TB Bruun, TS Colding Human Ecology 41, 109-118, 2013 | 56 | 2013 |
Sustainable land use in Tikopia: food production and consumption in an isolated agricultural system O Mertz, TB Bruun, B Fog, K Rasmussen, J Agergaard Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography 31 (1), 10-26, 2010 | 56 | 2010 |
Carbon stocks and the use of shade trees in different coffee growing systems in the Peruvian Amazon R Solis, G Vallejos-Torres, L Arévalo, J Marín-Díaz, M Ñique-Alvarez, ... The Journal of Agricultural Science 158 (6), 450-460, 2020 | 51 | 2020 |