Verdi Ardianto
Verdi Ardianto
Verifierad e-postadress på student.untan.ac.id - Startsida
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Impact of corporate social responsibility on financial expert CEOs' turnover in heavily polluting companies in Bangladesh
BK Dhar, I Harymawan, SM Sarkar
Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management 29 (3), 701-711, 2022
Carbon emissions, firm size, and corporate governance structure: Evidence from the mining and agricultural industries in Indonesia
M Nasih, I Harymawan, YI Paramitasari, A Handayani
Sustainability 11 (9), 2483, 2019
Political connections and earnings quality: How do connected firms respond to changes in political stability and government effectiveness?
I Harymawan, J Nowland
International Journal of Accounting & Information Management 24 (4), 339-356, 2016
Impact of COVID-19 on financial performance and profitability of banking sector in special reference to private commercial banks: empirical evidence from Bangladesh
MAI Gazi, M Nahiduzzaman, I Harymawan, AA Masud, BK Dhar
Sustainability 14 (10), 6260, 2022
CEO busyness and firm performance: evidence from Indonesia
I Harymawan, M Nasih, MC Ratri, J Nowland
Heliyon 5 (5), e01601, 2019
Political and government connections on corporate boards in Australia: Good for business?
S Gray, I Harymawan, J Nowland
Australian Journal of Management 41 (1), 3-26, 2016
Representasi Pesan Moral dalam Film Rudy Habibie Karya Hanung Bramantyo (Analisis Semiotika Roland Barthes)
BF Weisarkurnai, B Nasution
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik 4 (1), 1-14, 2017
Why do firms appoint former military personnel as directors? Evidence of loan interest rate in militarily connected firms in Indonesia
I Harymawan
Asian Review of Accounting 26 (1), 2-18, 2018
Independent audit committee, risk management committee, and audit fees
DA Larasati, MC Ratri, M Nasih, I Harymawan
Cogent Business & Management 6 (1), 1707042, 2019
Financially distressed firms: Environmental, social, and governance reporting in Indonesia
I Harymawan, FKG Putra, BA Fianto, WA Wan Ismail
Sustainability 13 (18), 10156, 2021
Internal audit functions and audit outcomes: Evidence from Indonesia
AD Dzikrullah, I Harymawan, MC Ratri
Cogent Business & Management 7 (1), 1750331, 2020
External assurance on sustainability report disclosure and firm value: Evidence from Indonesia and Malaysia
I Harymawan, M Nasih, A Salsabilla, FKG Putra
Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 7 (3), 1500-1512, 2020
The role of political connections on family firms’ performance: Evidence from Indonesia
I Harymawan, M Nasih, M Madyan, D Sucahyati
International Journal of Financial Studies 7 (4), 55, 2019
Investment efficiency and environmental, social, and governance reporting: Perspective from corporate integration management
I Harymawan, M Nasih, D Agustia, FKG Putra, HG Djajadikerta
Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management 29 (5), 1186-1202, 2022
Remuneration committees, executive remuneration, and firm performance in Indonesia
I Harymawan, D Agustia, M Nasih, A Inayati, J Nowland
Heliyon 6 (2), e03452, 2020
Audit firm rotation and audit quality: Comparison before vs after the elimination of audit firm rotation regulations in Indonesia
IA Widyaningsih, I Harymawan, AW Mardijuwono, ES Ayuningtyas, ...
Cogent Business & Management 6 (1), 1695403, 2019
Profitability determining factors of banking sector: Panel data analysis of commercial banks in South Asian countries
D Yuan, MAI Gazi, I Harymawan, BK Dhar, AI Hossain
Frontiers in Psychology 13, 2022
Busyness, tenure, meeting frequency of the CEOs, and corporate social responsibility disclosure
MC Ratri, I Harymawan, KA Kamarudin
Sustainability 13 (10), 5567, 2021
Military experienced board and corporate social responsibility disclosure: an empirical evidence from Indonesia
M Nasih, I Harymawan, FKG Putra, R Qotrunnada
Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 7 (1), 553-573, 2019
Association of stigma with mental health and quality of life among Indonesian COVID-19 survivors
J Wahyuhadi, F Efendi, MJ Al Farabi, I Harymawan, AD Ariana, H Arifin, ...
Plos one 17 (2), e0264218, 2022
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