N200 in the flanker task as a neurobehavioral tool for investigating executive control B Kopp, F Rist, UWE Mattler Psychophysiology 33 (3), 282-294, 1996 | 766 | 1996 |
N2, P3 and the lateralized readiness potential in a nogo task involving selective response priming B Kopp, U Mattler, R Goertz, F Rist Electroencephalography and clinical Neurophysiology 99 (1), 19-27, 1996 | 443 | 1996 |
Long-term cognitive and emotional consequences of mild traumatic brain injury C Konrad, AJ Geburek, F Rist, H Blumenroth, B Fischer, I Husstedt, V Arolt, ... Psychological medicine 41 (6), 1197-1211, 2011 | 392 | 2011 |
Health anxiety and hypochondriasis in the light of DSM-5 J Bailer, T Kerstner, M Witthöft, C Diener, D Mier, F Rist Anxiety, Stress, & Coping 29 (2), 219-239, 2016 | 186 | 2016 |
An event-related brain potential substrate of disturbed response monitoring in paranoid schizophrenic patients. B Kopp, F Rist Journal of abnormal psychology 108 (2), 337, 1999 | 174 | 1999 |
Self assessment of relapse risk and assertiveness in relation to treatment outcome of female alcoholics F Rist, H Watzl Addictive Behaviors 8 (2), 121-127, 1983 | 165 | 1983 |
Evidence for overlap between idiopathic environmental intolerance and somatoform disorders J Bailer, M Witthöft, C Paul, C Bayerl, F Rist Biopsychosocial Science and Medicine 67 (6), 921-929, 2005 | 134 | 2005 |
Prävalenz psychischer Syndrome bei Studierenden einer deutschen Universität J Bailer, D Schwarz, M Witthöft, C Stübinger, F Rist PPmP-Psychotherapie· Psychosomatik· Medizinische Psychologie 58 (11), 423-429, 2008 | 124 | 2008 |
Superior perception of phasic physiological arousal and the detrimental consequences of the conviction to be aroused on worrying and metacognitions in GAD. T Andor, AL Gerlach, F Rist Journal of Abnormal Psychology 117 (1), 193, 2008 | 118 | 2008 |
Influence of alcohol on the processing of emotional facial expressions in individuals with social phobia S Stevens, F Rist, AL Gerlach British Journal of Clinical Psychology 48 (2), 125-140, 2009 | 106 | 2009 |
Syndrome stability and psychological predictors of symptom severity in idiopathic environmental intolerance and somatoform disorders J Bailer, M Witthoeft, C Bayerl, F Rist Psychological Medicine 37 (2), 271-281, 2007 | 102 | 2007 |
Metacognitions, worry and sleep in everyday life: Studying bidirectional pathways using Ecological Momentary Assessment in GAD patients C Thielsch, T Ehring, S Nestler, J Wolters, I Kopei, F Rist, AL Gerlach, ... Journal of Anxiety Disorders 33, 53-61, 2015 | 98 | 2015 |
Psychological predictors of short-and medium term outcome in individuals with idiopathic environmental intolerance (IEI) and individuals with somatoform disorders J Bailer, M Witthöft, F Rist Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A 71 (11-12), 766-775, 2008 | 90 | 2008 |
Modern health worries and idiopathic environmental intolerance J Bailer, M Witthöft, F Rist Journal of Psychosomatic Research 65 (5), 425-433, 2008 | 89 | 2008 |
The Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test revisited: establishing its structure using nonlinear factor analysis and identifying subgroups of respondents using latent class … F Rist, A Glöckner-Rist, R Demmel Drug and alcohol dependence 100 (1-2), 71-82, 2009 | 88 | 2009 |
Adverse health effects related to mercury exposure from dental amalgam fillings: toxicological or psychological causes? J Bailer, F Rist, A Rudolf, HJ Staehle, P Eickholz, G Triebig, M Bader, ... Psychological medicine 31 (2), 255-263, 2001 | 88 | 2001 |
Entwicklung eines Fragebogens zur Erfassung von Medikamentenmißbrauch bei Suchtpatienten H Watzl, F Rist, W Höcker, K Miehle Sucht und Psychosomatik. Beiträge des 3, 123-139, 1991 | 88 | 1991 |
Electrophysiological indices of error monitoring in juvenile and adult attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)—a meta-analytic appraisal AJ Geburek, F Rist, G Gediga, D Stroux, A Pedersen International Journal of psychophysiology 87 (3), 349-362, 2013 | 85 | 2013 |
Prokrastination: ein manual zur behandlung des pathologischen aufschiebens A Höcker, M Engberding, F Rist Hogrefe Verlag GmbH & Company KG, 2017 | 82 | 2017 |
Clarifying the latent structure and correlates of somatic symptom distress: A bifactor model approach. M Witthöft, S Fischer, F Jasper, F Rist, UM Nater Psychological Assessment 28 (1), 109, 2016 | 73 | 2016 |