Andrea Calabrò
Andrea Calabrò
IPAG Business School, Nice, France
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Women directors on corporate boards: From tokenism to critical mass
M Torchia, A Calabrò, M Huse
Journal of business ethics 102, 299-317, 2011
The Internationalization of Family Firms: A Critical Review and Integrative Model
TJ Pukall, A Calabrò
Family Business Review 27 (2), 103– 125, 2014
Innovation in family firms: A systematic literature review and guidance for future research
A Calabrò, M Vecchiarini, J Gast, G Campopiano, A De Massis, S Kraus
International journal of management reviews 21 (3), 317-355, 2019
How do boards of directors contribute to family SME export intensity? The role of formal and informal governance mechanisms
A Calabrò, D Mussolino
Journal of Management and Governance 7 (2), 363-403, 2013
Public–private partnerships in the health care sector: a systematic review of the literature
M Torchia, A Calabrò, M Morner
Public Management Review 17 (2), 236-261, 2015
Weathering the storm: Family ownership, governance, and performance through the financial and economic crisis
A Minichilli, M Brogi, A Calabrò
Corporate Governance: An International Review 24 (6), 552-568, 2016
The courage to choose! Primogeniture and leadership succession in family firms
A Calabrò, A Minichilli, MD Amore, M Brogi
Strategic Management Journal 39 (7), 2014-2035, 2018
Family firm internationalization: A configurational approach
S Kraus, H Mensching, A Calabrò, CF Cheng, M Filser
Journal of Business Research, 2016
Paternalistic leadership in family firms: Types and implications for intergenerational succession
D Mussolino, A Calabrò
Journal of Family Business Strategy 5 (2), 197–210, 2014
The influence of ownership structure and board strategic involvement on international sales: The moderating effect of family involvement
A Calabrò, M Torchia, T Pukall, D Mussolino
International Business Review 22 (3), 509-523, 2013
Does family involvement foster or hinder firm performance? The missing role of family-based branding strategies
C Gallucci, R Santulli, A Calabrò
Journal of Family Business Strategy 6 (3), 155-165, 2015
Transgenerational entrepreneurship around the world: Implications for family business research and practice
R Basco, A Calabrò, G Campopiano
Journal of Family Business Strategy 10 (4), 100249, 2019
Business families in times of crises: The backbone of family firm resilience and continuity
A Calabrò, H Frank, A Minichilli, J Suess-Reyes
Journal of Family Business Strategy 12 (2), 100442, 2021
Asian Family Firms through Corporate Governance and Institutions: A Systematic Review of the Literature and Agenda for Future Research
TQ Dinh, A Calabrò
International Journal of Management Reviews, 2018
Women directors contribution to organizational innovation: A behavioral approach
M Torchia, A Calabro, P Gabaldon, SB Kanadli
Scandinavian Journal of Management 34 (2), 215-224, 2018
What does really matter in the internationalization of small and medium-sized family businesses?
Calabrò, A., Brogi, M., Torchia, M.
Journal of Small Business Management, DOI: 10.1111/jsbm.12165, 2015
Board of Directors’ Diversity, Creativity and Cognitive Conflict: the Role of Board Members’ Interaction
M Torchia, M., Calabrò, A., Morner
International Studies of Management and Organization 45 (1), 6-24, 2015
Governance Structure and Internationalization of Family-Controlled Firms: The Mediating Role of International Entrepreneurial Orientation
A Calabrò, G Campopiano, R Basco, T Pukall
European Management Journal, 10.1016/j.emj.2016.04.007, 2016
The role of board of directors in the internationalisation process of small and medium sized family businesses
A Calabrò, D Mussolino, M Huse
International Journal of Globalisation and Small Business 3 (4), 393-411, 2009
Board of directors and financial transparency and disclosure. Evidence from Italy
M Torchia, A Calabrò
Corporate Governance: the international journal of business in society 16 (3 …, 2016
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