Carles Cardona Ametller
Carles Cardona Ametller
IBANAT, Centre Forestal de les Illes Balears
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Stomatal and non-stomatal limitations to photosynthesis in seedlings and saplings of Mediterranean species pre-conditioned and aged in nurseries: Different response to water stress
L Varone, M Ribas-Carbo, C Cardona, A Gallé, H Medrano, L Gratani, ...
Environmental and Experimental Botany 75, 235-247, 2012
The role of landscape composition and heterogeneity on the taxonomical and functional diversity of Mediterranean plant communities in agricultural landscapes
J Cursach, J Rita, C Gómez-Martínez, C Cardona, M Capó, A Lázaro
PLoS One 15 (9), e0238222, 2020
Mildly toxic shrubs as indicators of goats herbivory give information for the management of natural landscapes on Mediterranean islands
M Capó, C Engelbrecht, C Cardona, E Castells, J Bartolomé, ...
Science of the Total Environment 786, 147391, 2021
Comparative germination ecology and seedling growth of two Ibero-Levantine endemic species belonging to the Silene mollissima aggregate (Caryophyllaceae)
V Murru, A Santo, M Gallo, C Cardona, M Boi, G Bacchetta
Flora 227, 10-17, 2017
Noves contribucions al coneixement de la flora vascular de les Illes Balears
L Sáez
Orsis: organismes i sistemes, 29-53, 2011
Notes florístiques de les Illes Baleares (XII)
L Gil, C Cardona, M Pons, L Llorens
Boll. Soc. Hist. Nat. Balears 42, 79-83, 1999
Historic exposure to herbivores, not constitutive traits, explains plant tolerance to herbivory in the case of two Medicago species (Fabaceae)
M Capó, M Roig-Oliver, C Cardona, J Cursach, J Bartolomé, J Rita, ...
Plant Science 307, 110890, 2021
Time pattern variation of alien plant introductions in an insular biodiversity hotspot: the Balearic Islands as a case study for the Mediterranean region
MD Cerrato, I Cortés-Fernández, A Ribas-Serra, PM Mir-Rosselló, ...
Biodiversity and Conservation 32 (7), 2585-2605, 2023
Biogenic volatiles of rupicolous plants act as direct defenses against molluscs: the case of the endangered Clinopodium rouyanum
J Tomas, L Gil, JA Llorens-Molina, C Cardona, MT García, L Llorens
Flora 258, 151428, 2019
Evidence of interpopulation variation in the germination of Eryngium maritimum L.(Apiaceae)
I Cortés-Fernández, MD Cerrato, A Ribas-Serra, C Cardona, C González, ...
Plant Ecology 222 (10), 1101-1112, 2021
Ungulates alter plant cover without consistent effect on soil ecosystem functioning
M Ibañez-Alvarez, E Baraza, E Serrano, A Romero-Munar, C Cardona, ...
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 326, 107796, 2022
Flora i vegetació de la finca pública de Son Real (TM de Santa Margalida)
C Cardona
Memoria d'investigació. Universitat de les Illes Balears, 2011
First insular population of the critically endangered Cistus heterophyllus subsp. carthaginensis on Cabrera Archipelago National Park (Balearic Islands, Spain)
C Cardona, M Capó
Biodiversity and Conservation 32 (2), 811-820, 2023
Floral traits and reproductive biology of two Mediterranean species of Clematis, asynchronous and sympatric, are key food sources for pollinator survival
J Tomàs, C Cardona, P Ferriol, L Llorens, L Gil
South African Journal of Botany 151, 85-94, 2022
Effect of seawater salinity stress on Sporobolus pungens (Schreb.) Kunth, a halophytic grass of the mediterranean embryonic dunes
M Cerrato, A Ribas-Serra, I Cortés-Fernández, C Cardona Ametller, ...
Plant Growth Regulation 98 (2), 191-204, 2022
A new species of Oxalis section Corniculatae (Oxalidaceae) from the Balearic islands
L Llorens, L Gil, C Cardona, M Franquesa, M Boi
Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 148 (4), 489-493, 2005
Notes corològiques per a la flora de Mallorca
Bolletí de la Societat d'Història Natural de les Balears 64, 47-59, 2021
Tolerància germinativa a la salinitat d’espècies litorals de les Illes Balears
CV Cardona Ametller
Universitat de les Illes Balears, 2017
Species introductions through coconut fibre: Dactyloctenium aegyptium and Glinus oppositifolius, new records for the Balearic Islands, Spain
MD Cerrato, A Ribas-Serra, C Cardona, L Gil
Acta Botanica Croatica 80 (2), 221-224, 2021
La vegetació de Mallorca i Cabrera: bases per a la interpretació i gestió d'hàbitats i paisatge vegetal
L Llorens, LG Vives, FJ Tébar, C Cardona, MFC Cifre
Conselleria de Medi Ambient i Territori, 2021
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