Delineation of management zones to improve nitrogen management of wheat NR Peralta, JL Costa, M Balzarini, MC Franco, M Córdoba, D Bullock Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 110, 103-113, 2015 | 170 | 2015 |
Protocol for automating error removal from yield maps A Vega, M Córdoba, M Castro-Franco, M Balzarini Precision Agriculture 20, 1030-1044, 2019 | 88 | 2019 |
Industrial agriculture and agroecological transition systems: A comparative analysis of productivity results, organic matter and glyphosate in soil A Virginia, M Zamora, A Barbera, M Castro-Franco, M Domenech, ... Agricultural systems 167, 103-112, 2018 | 45 | 2018 |
Prediction of soil properties at farm scale using a model-based soil sampling scheme and random forest M Castro-Franco, JL Costa, N Peralta, V Aparicio Soil science 180 (2), 74-85, 2015 | 29 | 2015 |
Effect of different gamma radiation doses on the germination and seedling growth of wheat and triticale cultivars FJ Di Pane, S Concepcion Lopez, MÁ Cantamutto, MB Domenech, ... Australian Journal of Crop Science 12 (12), 1921-1926, 2018 | 25 | 2018 |
Sampling scheme optimization to map soil depth to petrocalcic horizon at field scale MB Domenech, M Castro-Franco, JL Costa, NM Amiotti Geoderma 290, 75-82, 2017 | 24 | 2017 |
Delimitación de zonas de manejo con modelos de elevación digital y profundidad de suelo NR Peralta, JL Costa, M Castro Franco, B Mónica Interciencia, 2013 | 19 | 2013 |
Clasificación y mapeo automático de coberturas del suelo en imágenes satelitales utilizando Redes Neuronales Convolucionales AS Suárez, AF Jiménez, M Castro-Franco, A Cruz-Roa Orinoquia 21, 64-75, 2017 | 18 | 2017 |
A spatial dataset of topsoil texture for the southern Argentine Pampas M Castro-Franco, MB Domenech, MR Borda, JL Costa Geoderma Regional 12, 18-27, 2018 | 15 | 2018 |
Prediction of topsoil properties at field-scale by using C-band SAR data MB Domenech, NM Amiotti, JL Costa, M Castro-Franco International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 93, 102197, 2020 | 14 | 2020 |
A pedometric technique to delimitate soil-specific zones at field scale M Castro-Franco, MA Córdoba, MG Balzarini, JL Costa Geoderma 322, 101-111, 2018 | 13 | 2018 |
Delimitación de ambientes edáficos en suelos de la pampa deprimida mediante la conductividad eléctrica aparente y la elevación PL Cicore, HR Sánchez, NR Peralta, MC Franco, VC Aparicio, JL Costa Ciencia del suelo 33 (2), 0-0, 2015 | 13 | 2015 |
Comparación de técnicas de interpolación espacial de propiedades del suelo en el piedemonte llanero colombiano M Castro Franco, DY García Ramírez, AF Jiménez López Tecnura 21 (53), 78-95, 2017 | 12 | 2017 |
Modelling effective soil depth at field scale from soil sensors and geomorphometric indices M Castro-Franco, M Domenech, JL Costa, VC Aparicio Acta Agronómica 66 (2), 228-234, 2017 | 11 | 2017 |
Relación espacial entre variables de sitio y rendimiento para la delimitación de zonas de manejo mediante el uso de herramientas informáticas NR Peralta, M Castro Franco, JL Costa III Congreso Argentino de Agroinformática (CAI 2011)(XL JAIIO, Córdoba, 29 …, 2011 | 11 | 2011 |
Monitoring corn nitrogen concentration from radar (C-SAR), optical, and sensor satellite data fusion A Lapaz Olveira, H Saínz Rozas, M Castro-Franco, W Carciochi, L Nieto, ... Remote Sensing 15 (3), 824, 2023 | 10 | 2023 |
Relationship between soil apparent electrical conductivity and forage yield in temperate pastures according to nitrogen availability and growing season PL Cicore, MC Franco, NR Peralta, JRM da Silva, JL Costa Crop and Pasture Science 70 (10), 908-916, 2019 | 8 | 2019 |
Afrodescendencias. Voces en resistencia R CAMPOALEGRE, C Miranda, JC García, K Bidaseca, ZR Guerra, ... Buenos Aires: CIPS y CLACSO, 2018 | 8 | 2018 |
Estudio de la variabilidad genética en familias de medios hermanos de Lotus tenuis sometido a estrés salino ME Franco Tesis de Magister en Genética Vegetal. INTA, 2011 | 8 | 2011 |
Delineation of management zones with digital elevation models and soil depth NR Peralta, JL Costa, M Balzarini, MC Franco Interciencia 38, 418-424, 2013 | 6 | 2013 |