Rachel (Kane) Frieder
Rachel (Kane) Frieder
Verifierad e-postadress på unf.edu
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Abusive supervision: A meta-analysis and empirical review
JD Mackey, RE Frieder, JR Brees, MJ Martinko
Journal of management 43 (6), 1940-1965, 2017
Linking job-relevant personality traits, transformational leadership, and job performance via perceived meaningfulness at work: A moderated mediation model.
RE Frieder, G Wang, IS Oh
Journal of applied psychology 103 (3), 324, 2018
The effect of servant leadership, perceived organizational support, job satisfaction and job embeddedness on turnover intentions: An empirical investigation
TM Huning, KJ Hurt, RE Frieder
Evidence-Based HRM: A Global Forum for Empirical Scholarship 8 (2), 177-194, 2020
Attenuating the negative effects of abusive supervision: The role of proactive voice behavior and resource management ability
RE Frieder, WA Hochwarter, PS DeOrtentiis
The Leadership Quarterly 26 (5), 821-837, 2015
Terms of engagement: Political boundaries of work engagement–work outcomes relationships
RE Kane-Frieder, WA Hochwarter, GR Ferris
Human Relations 67 (3), 357-382, 2014
The role of interpersonal influence in counterbalancing psychopathic personality trait facets at work
N Schütte, G Blickle, RE Frieder, A Wihler, F Schnitzler, J Heupel, I Zettler
Journal of Management 44 (4), 1338-1368, 2018
Empowered employees as social deviants: The role of abusive supervision
JD Mackey, RE Frieder, PL Perrewé, VC Gallagher, RA Brymer
Journal of Business and Psychology 30, 149-162, 2015
A meta‐analysis of the criterion‐related validity of prehire work experience
CH Van Iddekinge, JD Arnold, RE Frieder, PL Roth
Personnel Psychology 72 (4), 571-598, 2019
Leader behaviors as mediators of the leader characteristics-follower satisfaction relationship
G Blickle, RE Kane-Frieder, K Oerder, A Wihler, A von Below, N Schütte, ...
Group & Organization Management 38 (5), 601-629, 2013
Leader advancement motive, political skill, leader behavior, and effectiveness: A moderated mediation extension of socioanalytic theory
C Ewen, A Wihler, RE Frieder, G Blickle, R Hogan, GR Ferris
Human Performance 27 (5), 373-392, 2014
How quickly do interviewers reach decisions? An examination of interviewers' decision‐making time across applicants
RE Frieder, CH Van Iddekinge, PH Raymark
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology 89 (2), 223-248, 2016
Supervisor political support as a buffer to subordinates' reactions to politics perceptions: A three-sample investigation
R E. Kane-Frieder, W A. Hochwarter, H L. Hampton, G R. Ferris
Career Development International 19 (1), 27-48, 2014
Selling your network: how political skill builds social capital and enhances salesperson performance
TP Munyon, RE Frieder, CB Satornino, AM Carnes, W Bolander, ...
Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management 41 (3), 233-249, 2021
Extending the metatheoretical framework of social/political influence to leadership: Political skill effects on situational appraisals, responses, and evaluations by others
RE Frieder, GR Ferris, PL Perrewé, A Wihler, CD Brooks
Personnel Psychology 72 (4), 543-569, 2019
Political skill, behavioral integrity, and work outcomes: Test of a multistage model
RE Frieder, KJ Basik
Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies 24 (1), 65-82, 2017
Political skill, leadership and performance: The role of vision identification and articulation
A Wihler, R Frieder, G Blickle, K Oerder, N Schütte
Handbook of organizational politics, 59-94, 2016
Political skill
G Blickle, RE Frieder, GR Ferris
The SAGE Handbook of Industrial, Work and Organizational Psychology, 299-319, 2018
Creating one’s reality: The interaction of politics perceptions and enactment behavior
RE Frieder, S Ma, WA Hochwarter
The Journal of social psychology 156 (1), 74-97, 2016
The rules of social exchange: Unchanged but more important than ever
RE Frieder
Industrial and Organizational Psychology 11 (3), 535-541, 2018
Political skill moderates the success of psychopaths at the workplace
N Schuette, G Blickle, R Frieder, F Schnitzler, J Heupel
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