Niyazi Erdogan
Niyazi Erdogan
Post-Doctoral Researcher, Texas A&M University
Verifierad e-postadress på tamu.edu
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Defining innovation literacy: Do robotics programs help students develop innovation literacy skills?
N Erdogan, MS Corlu, RM Capraro
International Online Journal of Educational Sciences 5 (1), 1-9, 2013
Modeling Successful STEM High Schools in the United States: An Ecology Framework
N Erdogan, CL Stuessy
International Journal of Education in Mathematics, Science and Technology 3 …, 2015
Examining the role of ınclusive stem schools in the college and career readiness of students in the united states: a multi-group analysis on the outcome of student achievement
N Erdoğan, C Stuessy
Edam, 2015
Viewing how STEM project-based learning influences students' science achievement through the implementation lens: A latent growth modeling
N Erdoğan, B Navruz, R Younes, RM Capraro
Eurasia, 2016
Models of Project-Based Learning for the 21st Century
N Erdogan, TD Bozeman
A Practice-based Model of STEM Teaching: STEM Students on the Stage (SOS) TM …, 2015
Would a STEM School ‘by any Other Name Smell as Sweet’?
B Navruz, N Erdogan, A Bicer, RM Caprao, MM Capraro
International Journal of Contemporary Educational Research 1 (2), 66-75, 2014
The effects of high school course taking and SAT scores on college major selection
A Şahin, N Erdoğan, J Morgan, M Capraro, R Capraro
Sakarya University Journal of Education 2 (3), 96-109, 2012
Communities of practice in online learning environments: A sociocultural perspective of science education
N Erdoğan
Necmettin Erbakan Univ, 2016
Türkiye’deki formasyon programının incelenmesi: Öğretmen adaylarının teknolojik ve pedagojik alan bilgisi
İ Delen, S Şen, N Erdoğan
Necatibey Eğitim Fakültesi Elektronik Fen ve Matematik Eğitimi Dergisi 9 (2 …, 2015
Modeling successful inclusive STEM high schools: An analysis of students’ college entry indicators in Texas
N Erdogan
Descriptive analysis of a sixth-grade Turkish science text with recommendations for development of future E-resources for multi-touch tablets
SW Slough, B Cavlazoglu, N Erdogan, O Akgun
Society for technology and teacher education annual, 4537-4542, 2012
Test review: anger regulation and expression scale
B Cavlazoglu, N Erdogan, T Paine, M Jones
Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment 31 (1), 84-88, 2013
Designers Discussing Design: An Investigation into the Design of an Innovative Science Textbook Designed to Take Advantage of Multi-Touch Tablet Technology and the Cloud
S Slough, N Erdogan, B Cavlazoglu, J Wakefield, O Akgun
World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and …, 2012
John Dewey’s impacts on the 1924 Turkish elementary school curriculum: A content analysis
European Journal of Applied Sciences 7, 2, 2014
A Comparative Study of South Korea and Turkey: Attitudes, Beliefs, and Creative Student Oriented Teaching Practices of Middle School Mathematics Teachers
MS Corlu, N Erdogan, A Sahin
한국수학교육학회 학술발표논문집 2011 (단일호), 287-302, 2011
Applying an ecology metaphor in a mixed methods analysis of high school science program infrastructure
N Erdogan, CL Stuessy
Journal of Education in Science Environment and Health 8 (1), 86-97, 2022
A case study: The effect of STEM activities on students’ attitudes toward science
N Erdogan, AT Oner, B Cavlazoglu, RM Capraro, MM Capraro
annual meeting of European Educational Research Association, Istanbul, Turkey, 2013
Do High School Computer and AP Courses and SAT Test Scores Help Students Choose STEM Majors in College?
A Sahin, JR Morgan, N Erdogan
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, 25.474. 1-25.474. 13, 2012
How computer course enrollment is related with students STEM major choice, AP taking, SAT scores, gender and socio economic level
A Sahin, OE Akgun, N Erdogan
Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International …, 2012
Learners’ Views on Designing Functional Models with Robotics: A Case Study
B Cavlazoglu, SC Cetin, N Erdogan, OE Akgun, CL Stuessy
Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International …, 2012
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