Didier Vojtisek
Didier Vojtisek
Inria, Univ Rennes, CNRS, IRISA
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Engineering modeling languages: Turning domain knowledge into tools
B Combemale, R France, JM Jézéquel, B Rumpe, J Steel, D Vojtisek
CRC Press, 2016
Execution framework of the GEMOC studio (tool demo)
E Bousse, T Degueule, D Vojtisek, T Mayerhofer, J Deantoni, ...
Proceedings of the 2016 ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Software …, 2016
On executable meta-languages applied to model transformations
PA Muller, F Fleurey, D Vojtisek, Z Drey, D Pollet, F Fondement, P Studer, ...
Model transformations in practice workshop, 2005
Kermeta language Reference manual
Z Drey, C Faucher, F Fleurey, V Mahé, D Vojtisek
Manuscript available online http://www. kermeta. org, 2009
Ingénierie Dirigée par les Modèles: des concepts à la pratique...
JM Jézéquel, B Combemale, D Vojtisek
Ellipses, 2012
ATSyRa: An Integrated Environment for Synthesizing Attack Trees: (Tool Paper)
S Pinchinat, M Acher, D Vojtisek
International workshop on graphical models for security, 97-101, 2015
OCL as a core UML transformation language
D Pollet, D Vojtisek, JM Jézéquel
MTL and Umlaut NG-Engine and framework for model transformation
D Vojtisek, JM Jézéquel
ERCIM news 58, 2004
Towards synthesis of attack trees for supporting computer-aided risk analysis
S Pinchinat, M Acher, D Vojtisek
International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal Methods, 363-375, 2014
Using MARTE in a co-design methodology
A Koudri, D Aulagnier, D Vojtisek, P Soulard, C Moy, J Champeau, J Vidal, ...
MARTE UML profile workshop co-located with DATE'08, 6 pages, 2008
A Solution to the TTC'15 Model Execution Case Using the GEMOC Studio
B Combemale, J Deantoni, O Barais, A Blouin, E Bousse, C Brun, ...
8th Transformation Tool Contest, 2015
Model-based DevOps: foundations and challenges
B Combemale, JM Jézéquel, Q Perez, D Vojtisek, N Jansen, J Michael, ...
2023 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages …, 2023
Kermeta language
F Fleurey, Z Drey, D Vojtisek, C Faucher, V Mahé
Reference manual, Internet: http://www. kermeta. org/docs/kermeta-manual. pdf, 2006
Kermeta language-Reference manual (2009)
Z Drey, C Faucher, F Fleurey, V Mahé, D Vojtisek
Manuscript available online http://www. kermeta. org, 0
Using Aspect Oriented Modeling to localize implementation of executable models
Z Altahat, T Elrad, D Vojtisek
Models and Aspects workshop, at ECOOP 2007, 2007
Traceability MDK for Kermeta
D Vojtisek
IRISA. Nov, 2010
Processus de développement UML/MARTE MoPCom pour le codesign
A Koudri, J Champeau, D Aulagnier, D Vojtisek
Génie Logiciel. Jean-Philippe Delahaye received his MS in Telecommunications …, 2009
A Demonstration for Building Modular and Efficient DSLs: The Kermeta v2 Experience
O Barais, B Baudry, A Blouin, B Combemale, JM Jézéquel, D Vojtisek
Conférence en IngénieriE du Logiciel (CIEL), 2013
Processus MOPCOM pour SoC/SoPC
A Koudri, J Champeau, D Aulagnier, D Vojtisek
Génie logiciel: le magazine de l'ingénierie du logiciel et des systèmes, xxx, 2009
Introduction à la construction d'un DSL sous Eclipse
D Vojtisek
Programmez! 120, 70-72, 2009
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