Artiklar med krav på offentlig åtkomst - Yongpei GuanLäs mer
Inte tillgängliga någonstans: 7
Data-Driven Risk-Averse Stochastic Self-Scheduling for Combined-Cycle Units
K Pan, Y Guan
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 13 (6), 3058-3069, 2017
Krav: US National Science Foundation
Risk-Averse Stochastic Unit Commitment with Incomplete Information
R Jiang, Y Guan, JP Watson
IIE Transactions, 2015
Krav: US Department of Energy
Convex primal formulations for convex hull pricing with reserve commitments
Y Yu, T Zhang, Y Guan, Y Chen
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 36 (3), 2345-2354, 2020
Krav: US National Science Foundation
Unified Formulations for Combined-Cycle Units
Y Guan, L Fan, Y Yu
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 33 (6), 7288-7291, 2018
Krav: US National Science Foundation
Data-Driven Modeling and Analysis for COVID-19 Pandemic Hospital Beds Planning
T Zhang, Y Lu, Y Guan, X Zhong, T Hogan
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 2022
Krav: US National Science Foundation
Network-Flow-Based Formulations for Convex Hull Pricing With Maximum Start-Ups
Y Yu, T Zhang, Y Guan
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 37 (2), 1198-1206, 2021
Krav: US National Science Foundation
Visiting nurses assignment and routing for decentralized telehealth service networks
T Yu, Y Guan, X Zhong
Annals of Operations Research, 1-31, 2024
Krav: US National Science Foundation
Tillgängliga någonstans: 12
Risk-averse two-stage stochastic program with distributional ambiguity
R Jiang, Y Guan
Operations Research, 2018
Krav: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Defense
Security-Constrained Unit Commitment for Electricity Market: Modeling, Solution Methods, and Future Challenges
Y Chen, F Pan, F Qiu, AS Xavier, T Zheng, M Marwali, B Knueven, Y Guan, ...
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2022
Krav: US Department of Energy
Strengthened MILP formulation for certain gas turbine unit commitment problems
K Pan, Y Guan, JP Watson, J Wang
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2015
Krav: US Department of Energy
Cutting planes for the multistage stochastic unit commitment problem
R Jiang, Y Guan, JP Watson
Mathematical Programming, 2016
Krav: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Energy
Multistage stochastic power generation scheduling co-optimizing energy and ancillary services
J Huang, K Pan, Y Guan
INFORMS Journal on Computing 33 (1), 352-369, 2021
Krav: US National Science Foundation, Research Grants Council, Hong Kong
Strong formulations for multistage stochastic self-scheduling unit commitment
K Pan, Y Guan
Operations Research 64 (6), 1482-1498, 2016
Krav: US National Science Foundation
Hospital Beds Planning and Admission Control Policies for COVID-19 Pandemic: A Hybrid Computer Simulation Approach
Y Lu, Y Guan, X Zhong, JN Fishe, T Hogan
2021 IEEE 17th International Conference on Automation Science and …, 2021
Krav: US National Science Foundation
Derivatives and subderivatives of buffered probability of exceedance
T Zhang, S Uryasev, Y Guan
Operations Research Letters 47 (2), 130-132, 2019
Krav: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Defense
Integrated Stochastic Optimal Self-Scheduling for Two-Settlement Electricity Markets
K Pan, Y Guan
INFORMS Journal on Computing, 2022
Krav: US National Science Foundation
Cutting planes for security-constrained unit commitment with regulation reserve
J Huang, K Pan, Y Guan
IISE Transactions 53 (4), 437-452, 2021
Krav: US National Science Foundation, Research Grants Council, Hong Kong
On the polyhedral structure of two-level lot-sizing problems with supplier selection
AN Arslan, JPP Richard, Y Guan
Naval Research Logistics, 2016
Krav: US National Science Foundation
Hospital beds and personal protective equipment planning for COVID-19 pandemic: A computer simulation approach
Y Lu, Y Guan, J Fishe, T Hogan, X Zhong
Krav: US National Science Foundation
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