Organizational identity strength, identification, and commitment and their relationships to turnover intention: Does organizational hierarchy matter? MS Cole, H Bruch Journal of Organizational Behavior: The International Journal of Industrial …, 2006 | 865 | 2006 |
Job burnout and employee engagement: A meta-analytic examination of construct proliferation MS Cole, F Walter, AG Bedeian, EH O’Boyle Journal of management 38 (5), 1550-1581, 2012 | 820 | 2012 |
Emotion as mediators of the relations between perceived supervisor support and psychological hardiness on employee cynicism MS Cole, H Bruch, B Vogel Journal of Organizational Behavior: The International Journal of Industrial …, 2006 | 654 | 2006 |
The workplace social exchange network: A multilevel, conceptual examination MS Cole, WS Schaninger Jr, SG Harris Group & organization management 27 (1), 142-167, 2002 | 577 | 2002 |
Affective mechanisms linking dysfunctional behavior to performance in work teams: a moderated mediation study. MS Cole, F Walter, H Bruch Journal of Applied Psychology 93 (5), 945, 2008 | 537 | 2008 |
Within-group agreement: On the use (and misuse) of rWG and rWG (J) in leadership research and some best practice guidelines T Biemann, MS Cole, S Voelpel The Leadership Quarterly 23 (1), 66-80, 2012 | 531 | 2012 |
Emotional intelligence: Sine qua non of leadership or folderol? F Walter, MS Cole, RH Humphrey Academy of management perspectives 25 (1), 45-59, 2011 | 503 | 2011 |
Organizational justice and individuals' withdrawal: Unlocking the influence of emotional exhaustion MS Cole, JB Bernerth, F Walter, DT Holt Journal of management studies 47 (3), 367-390, 2010 | 473 | 2010 |
Student learning motivation and psychological hardiness: Interactive effects on students' reactions to a management class MS Cole, HS Feild, SG Harris Academy of Management Learning & Education 3 (1), 64-85, 2004 | 462 | 2004 |
Shared authentic leadership and new venture performance KM Hmieleski, MS Cole, RA Baron Journal of Management 38 (5), 1476-1499, 2012 | 423 | 2012 |
Recruiters’ perceptions and use of applicant résumé information: Screening the recent graduate MS Cole, RS Rubin, HS Feild, WF Giles Applied Psychology 56 (2), 319-343, 2007 | 385 | 2007 |
Time in individual-level organizational studies: What is it, how is it used, and why isn’t it exploited more often? AJ Shipp, MS Cole Annu. Rev. Organ. Psychol. Organ. Behav. 2 (1), 237-260, 2015 | 313 | 2015 |
Leader–team congruence in power distance values and team effectiveness: The mediating role of procedural justice climate. MS Cole, MZ Carter, Z Zhang Journal of Applied Psychology 98 (6), 962, 2013 | 307 | 2013 |
Energy at work: A measurement validation and linkage to unit effectiveness MS Cole, H Bruch, B Vogel Journal of organizational Behavior 33 (4), 445-467, 2012 | 282 | 2012 |
A measure of variations in internal social capital among family firms JC Carr, MS Cole, JK Ring, DP Blettner Entrepreneurship theory and practice 35 (6), 1207-1227, 2011 | 282 | 2011 |
Control variables in leadership research: A qualitative and quantitative review JB Bernerth, MS Cole, EC Taylor, HJ Walker Journal of Management 44 (1), 131-160, 2018 | 263 | 2018 |
Exploring the implications of vision, appropriateness, and execution of organizational change MS Cole, SG Harris, JB Bernerth Leadership & Organization Development Journal 27 (5), 352-367, 2006 | 223 | 2006 |
Recruiters’ inferences of applicant personality based on resume screening: do paper people have a personality? MS Cole, HS Feild, WF Giles, SG Harris Journal of Business and Psychology 24, 5-18, 2009 | 203 | 2009 |
Is this how I will be treated? Reducing uncertainty through recruitment interactions HJ Walker, TN Bauer, MS Cole, JB Bernerth, HS Feild, JC Short Academy of Management Journal 56 (5), 1325-1347, 2013 | 197 | 2013 |
The measurement equivalence of web-based and paper-and-pencil measures of transformational leadership: A multinational test MS Cole, AG Bedeian, HS Feild Organizational Research Methods 9 (3), 339-368, 2006 | 184 | 2006 |