Artiklar med krav på offentlig åtkomst - Ama KissiLäs mer
Tillgängliga någonstans: 5
A systematic review of pliance, tracking, and augmenting
A Kissi, S Hughes, G Mertens, D Barnes-Holmes, J De Houwer, ...
Behavior modification 41 (5), 683-707, 2017
Krav: Research Foundation (Flanders)
The study of rule-governed behavior and derived stimulus relations: Bridging the gap
C Harte, D Barnes-Holmes, Y Barnes-Holmes, A Kissi
Perspectives on Behavior Science 43, 361-385, 2020
Krav: Research Foundation (Flanders)
Examining the moderating impact of plys and tracks on the insensitivity effect: A preliminary investigation
A Kissi, S Hughes, M De Schryver, J De Houwer, G Crombez
The Psychological Record 68, 431-440, 2018
Krav: Belgian Science Policy Office
Task interference and distraction efficacy in patients with fibromyalgia: an experimental investigation
DML Van Ryckeghem, S Rost, A Kissi, C Vögele, G Crombez
Pain 159 (6), 1119-1126, 2018
Krav: Research Foundation (Flanders), European Commission
The rule-based insensitivity effect: a systematic review
A Kissi, C Harte, S Hughes, J De Houwer, G Crombez
PeerJ 8, e9496, 2020
Krav: Research Foundation (Flanders)
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