Artiklar med krav på offentlig åtkomst - Anthony C. ConstantinouLäs mer
Tillgängliga någonstans: 26
A survey of Bayesian Network structure learning
NK Kitson, AC Constantinou, Z Guo, Y Liu, K Chobtham
Artificial Intelligence Review, 2023
Krav: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
From complex questionnaire and interviewing data to intelligent Bayesian Network models for medical decision support
AC Constantinou, N Fenton, W Marsh, L Radlinski
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 67, 75-93, 2016
Krav: European Commission
A Bayesian Network Framework for Project Cost, Benefit and Risk Analysis with an Agricultural Development Case Study
B Yet, A Constantinou, N Fenton, M Neil, E Luedeling, K Shepherd
Expert Systems with Applications 60, 75-93, 2016
Krav: European Commission
Integrating Expert Knowledge with Data in Bayesian Networks: Preserving Data-Driven Expectations when the Expert Variables Remain Unobserved
A Constantinou, N Fenton, M Neil
Expert Systems with Applications 56, 197-208, 2016
Krav: European Commission
Dolores: a model that predicts football match outcomes from all over the world
AC Constantinou
Machine Learning 108, 49-75, 2019
Krav: European Commission
Towards Smart-Data: Improving predictive accuracy in long-term football team performance
A Constantinou, N Fenton
Knowledge-Based Systems 124, 93-104, 2017
Krav: European Commission
Large-scale empirical validation of Bayesian Network structure learning algorithms with noisy data
AC Constantinou, Y Liu, K Chobtham, Z Guo, NK Kitson
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 131, 151-188, 2021
Krav: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Risk assessment and risk management of violent reoffending among prisoners
AC Constantinou, M Freestone, W Marsh, N Fenton, J Coid
Expert Systems with Applications, 42(21): 7511-7529, 2015
Krav: National Institute for Health Research, UK, European Commission
Causal inference for violence risk management and decision support in forensic psychiatry
AC Constantinou, M Freestone, W Marsh, J Coid
Decision Support Systems 80, 42-55, 2015
Krav: National Institute for Health Research, UK
The impact of prior knowledge on causal structure learning
A Constantinou, Z Guo, NK Kitson
Knowledge and Information Systems,, 2023
Krav: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Improving risk management for violence in mental health services: a multimethods approach
JW Coid, S Ullrich, C Kallis, M Freestone, R Gonzalez, L Bui, ...
Programme grants for applied research, 2016
Krav: National Institute for Health Research, UK
Things to know about Bayesian Networks
A Constantinou, N Fenton
Significance 15 (2), 19-23, 2018
Krav: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, European Commission
Value of Information analysis for Interventional and Counterfactual Bayesian networks in Forensic Medical Sciences
AC Constantinou, B Yet, N Fenton, M Neil, W Marsh
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 66, 41-52, 2016
Krav: European Commission
Learning Bayesian networks from demographic and health survey data
NK Kitson, AC Constantinou
Journal of Biomedical Informatics 113, Article 103588, 2021
Krav: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, UK Research & Innovation
Bayesian network structure learning with causal effects in the presence of latent variables
K Chobtham, AC Constantinou
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Probabilistic …, 2020
Krav: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Learning Bayesian networks with the Saiyan algorithm
A Constantinou
ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data, 2020
Krav: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Learning Bayesian networks that enable full propagation of evidence
A Constantinou
IEEE Access 8, 124845-124856, 2020
Krav: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
The Bayesys data and Bayesian network repository
AC Constantinou, Y Liu, K Chobtham, Z Guo, NK Kitson
Bayesian AI lab, MInDS research group, Queen Mary University of London …, 2020
Krav: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
An Improved Method for Solving Hybrid Influence Diagrams
B Yet, M Neil, N Fenton, A Constantinou, E Dementiev
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 95, 93-112, 2018
Krav: European Commission
Greedy structure learning from data that contain systematic missing values
Y Liu, A Constantinou
Machine Learning 111, 3867–3896, 2022
Krav: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
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