Artiklar med krav på offentlig åtkomst - Markus KrauseLäs mer
Inte tillgänglig någonstans: 1
Games for games: manipulating contexts in human computation games
A Takhtamysheva, R Porzel, M Krause
Proceedings of the ACM SIGKDD Workshop on Human Computation, 38-39, 2009
Krav: German Research Foundation
Tillgängliga någonstans: 3
Almost an expert: The effects of rubrics and expertise on perceived value of crowdsourced design critiques
A Yuan, K Luther, M Krause, SI Vennix, SP Dow, B Hartmann
Proceedings of the 19th ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative …, 2016
Krav: US National Science Foundation
Critique style guide: Improving crowdsourced design feedback with a natural language model
M Krause, T Garncarz, JJ Song, EM Gerber, BP Bailey, SP Dow
Proceedings of the 2017 CHI conference on human factors in computing systems …, 2017
Krav: US National Science Foundation
Games for Games
A Takhtamysheva, R Porzel, M Krause
HComp 9, 38-40, 2009
Krav: German Research Foundation
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