Professor Titular. Universitat de Girona
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Land use change effects on abandoned terraced soils in a Mediterranean catchment, NE Spain
G Dunjó, G Pardini, M Gispert
Catena 52 (1), 23-37, 2003
The role of land use–land cover on runoff generation and sediment yield at a microplot scale, in a small Mediterranean catchment
G Dunjó, G Pardini, M Gispert
Journal of arid environments 57 (2), 239-256, 2004
Relative influence of wildfire on soil properties and erosion processes in different Mediterranean environments in NE Spain
G Pardini, M Gispert, G Dunjó
Science of the total Environment 328 (1-3), 237-246, 2004
The impact of land management and abandonment on soil enzymatic activity, glomalin content and aggregate stability
M Gispert, M Emran, G Pardini, S Doni, B Ceccanti
Geoderma 202, 51-61, 2013
Structure and porosity of smectitic mudrocks as affected by experimental wetting—drying cycles and freezing—thawing cycles
G Pardini, GV Guidi, R Pini, D Regüés, F Gallart
Catena 27 (3-4), 149-165, 1996
Runoff erosion and nutrient depletion in five Mediterranean soils of NE Spain under different land use
G Pardini, M Gispert, G Dunjó
Science of the total environment 309 (1-3), 213-224, 2003
Regolith behaviour and physical weathering of clayey mudrock as dependent on seasonal weather conditions in a badland area at Vallcebre, Eastern Pyrenees
D Regüés, G Pardini, F Gallart
Catena 25 (1-4), 199-212, 1995
Patterns of soil organic carbon, glomalin and structural stability in abandoned Mediterranean terraced lands
M Emran, M Gispert, G Pardini
European Journal of Soil Science 63 (5), 637-649, 2012
Anomalous contents of heavy metals in soils and vegetation of a mine area in SW Sardinia, Italy
L Leita, M De Nobili, G Pardini, F Ferrari, P Sequi
Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 48, 423-433, 1989
Erosion in abandoned fields, what is the problem?
JMG Ruiz, PR Flaño, TL Martínez, GM Martí, JPM Rica, G Pardini
Soil erosion studies in Spain, 97-108, 1991
How mudrock and soil physical properties influence badland formation at Vallcebre (Pre-Pyrenees, NE Spain)
A Sole, F Gallart, G Pardini, R Aringhieri
Catena 19 (3-4), 287-300, 1992
Recycling of paper mill sludge as filler/reinforcement in polypropylene composites
J Girones, G Pardini, F Vilaseca, MA Pelach, P Mutje
Journal of Polymers and the Environment 18, 407-412, 2010
Comparing measurements methods of carbon dioxide fluxes in a soil sequence under land use and cover change in North Eastern Spain
M Emran, M Gispert, G Pardini
Geoderma 170, 176-185, 2012
Evaluation of different quantification modes for a simple and reliable determination of Pb, Zn and Cd in soil suspensions by total reflection X-ray fluorescence spectrometry
F Bilo, L Borgese, G Pardini, E Marguí, A Zacco, R Dalipi, S Federici, ...
Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 34 (5), 930-939, 2019
Presence, mobility and bioavailability of toxic metal (oids) in soil, vegetation and water around a Pb-Sb recycling factory (Barcelona, Spain)
S Mykolenko, V Liedienov, M Kharytonov, N Makieieva, T Kuliush, ...
Environmental Pollution 237, 569-580, 2018
Seasonal evolution of soil organic matter, glomalin and enzymes and potential for C storage after land abandonment and renaturalization processes in soils of NE Spain
M Gispert, G Pardini, M Emran, S Doni, G Masciandaro
Catena 162, 402-413, 2018
Testing a simple methylene blue method for surface area estimation in soils
R Aringhieri, G Pardini, M Gispert, A Sole
Agrochimica (Italy) 36 (3), 1992
Water erosion and soil properties patterns along selected rainfall events in cultivated and abandoned terraced fields under renaturalisation
M Gispert, G Pardini, M Colldecarrera, M Emran, S Doni
Catena 155, 114-126, 2017
Fractal scaling of surface roughness in artificially weathered smectite-rich soil regoliths
G Pardini
Geoderma 117 (1-2), 157-167, 2003
Rainfall/runoff/erosion relationships and soil properties survey in abandoned shallow soils of NE Spain
G Pardini, M Gispert, M Emran, S Doni
Journal of Soils and Sediments 17, 499-514, 2017
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