Christina Leuker
Christina Leuker
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Exploiting Risk–Reward Structures in Decision Making Under Uncertainty
C Leuker, T Pachur, R Hertwig, T Pleskac
Cognition 175, 186-200, 2018
Mechanisms of choice behavior shift using cue-approach training
A Bakkour, C Leuker, AM Hover, N Giles, RA Poldrack, T Schonberg
Frontiers in Psychology 7, 421, 2016
Studies in ecological rationality
R Hertwig, C Leuker, T Pachur, L Spiliopoulos, TJ Pleskac
Topics in Cognitive Science 14 (3), 467-491, 2022
What makes a market transaction morally repugnant?
C Leuker, L Samartzidis, R Hertwig
Cognition 212, 104644, 2021
The ecology of competition: A theory of risk–reward environments in adaptive decision making.
TJ Pleskac, L Conradt, C Leuker, R Hertwig
Psychological Review 128 (2), 315, 2021
Do people exploit risk–reward structures to simplify information processing in risky choice?
C Leuker, T Pachur, R Hertwig, TJ Pleskac
Journal of the Economic Science Association 5 (1), 76-94, 2019
Misinformation in Germany during the Covid-19 pandemic
C Leuker, LM Eggeling, N Fleischhut, J Gubernath, K Gumenik, ...
Robert Koch-Institut, 2022
When money talks: Judging risk and coercion in high-paying clinical trials
C Leuker, L Samartzidis, R Hertwig, TJ Pleskac
PloS one 15 (1), e0227898, 2020
Establishing infodemic management in Germany: a framework for social listening and integrated analysis to report infodemic insights at the National Public Health Institute
TS Boender, PH Schneider, C Houareau, S Wehrli, TD Purnat, A Ishizumi, ...
JMIR infodemiology 3, e43646, 2023
Specialization and selective social attention establishes the balance between individual and social learning
CM Wu, MK Ho, B Kahl, C Leuker, B Meder, RHJM Kurvers
BioRxiv, 2021.02. 03.429553, 2021
Normative implications of deliberate ignorance
J Krueger, U Hahn, S Gaechter, R Hertwig, L Kornhauser, C Leuker, ...
Strüngmann Forum Reports, 240-271, 2020
Too good to be true? Psychological responses to uncommon options in risk-reward environments
C Leuker, TJ Pleskac, T Pachur, R Hertwig
Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 2019
When evidence changes: Communicating uncertainty protects against a loss of trust
C Dries, M McDowell, FG Rebitschek, C Leuker
Public Understanding of Science 33 (6), 777-794, 2024
SARS-CoV-2: Testergebnisse richtig einordnen
I Lein, C Leuker, EM Antão, M von Kleist, MA Jenny
Deutsches Ärzteblatt 117 (47), A-2304/B-1944, 2020
Will you confess to what I did? Close relationships and in‐group membership facilitate voluntary blame‐taking
JM Schell‐Leugers, T Schneider, R Gyenis, C Leuker, M Sauerland
Journal of Applied Social Psychology 51 (10), 987-998, 2021
Age Differences in Ambiguity Preferences
C Leuker, R Hertwig, TJ Pleskac
Using risk–reward structures to reckon with uncertainty
TJ Pleskac, R Hertwig, C Leuker, L Conradt, ...
R. Hertwig, TJ Pleskac, & T. Pachur (Eds.), 51-70, 2019
I want it now! The neuroscience of teenage impulsivity
C Leuker, W van den Bos
Frontiers for Young Minds 4, 2016
The psychology of life’s most important decisions.
S Hechtlinger, C Schulze, C Leuker, R Hertwig
American Psychologist, 2024
Wie informiert sich die Bevölkerung in Deutschland rund um das Coronavirus? Umfrage zu vorherrschenden Themen und Gründen, dem Umgang mit Fehlinformationen, sowie der …
C Leuker, R Hertwig, K Gumenik, LM Eggeling, S Hechtlinger, A Kozyreva, ...
Max-Planck-Institut für Bildungsforschung, 2020
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