Artiklar med krav på offentlig åtkomst - Michael HameleersLäs mer
Inte tillgänglig någonstans: 1
The Affinity Between Anti-Establishment Reality Perceptions and Estimated Misinformation Salience Across Seven Countries Spanning the Global North and South
M Hameleers
Mass Communication and Society, 1-27, 2025
Krav: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
Tillgängliga någonstans: 27
The effects of populism as a social identity frame on persuasion and mobilisation: Evidence from a 15‐country experiment
L Bos, C Schemer, N Corbu, M Hameleers, I Andreadis, A Schulz, ...
European Journal of Political Research 59 (1), 3-24, 2020
Krav: European Commission
Whom to trust? Media exposure patterns of citizens with perceptions of misinformation and disinformation related to the news media
M Hameleers, A Brosius, CH de Vreese
European journal of communication 37 (3), 237-268, 2022
Krav: European Commission
Start spreading the news: A comparative experiment on the effects of populist communication on political engagement in sixteen European countries
M Hameleers, L Bos, N Fawzi, C Reinemann, I Andreadis, N Corbu, ...
The international journal of press/politics 23 (4), 517-538, 2018
Krav: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal
Crafting our own biased media diets: The effects of confirmation, source, and negativity bias on selective attendance to online news
TGLA Van der Meer, M Hameleers, AC Kroon
Mass Communication and Society 23 (6), 937-967, 2020
Krav: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
Feeling “disinformed” lowers compliance with COVID-19 guidelines: Evidence from the US, UK, Netherlands and Germany
M Hameleers, TGLA Van der Meer, A Brosius
Harvard Kennedy School Misinformation Review, 2020
Krav: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
Shoot the messenger? The media’s role in framing populist attributions of blame
M Hameleers, L Bos, CH de Vreese
Journalism 20 (9), 1145-1164, 2019
Krav: Swiss National Science Foundation
Can fighting misinformation have a negative spillover effect? How warnings for the threat of misinformation can decrease general news credibility
TGLA Van Der Meer, M Hameleers, J Ohme
Journalism Studies 24 (6), 803-823, 2023
Krav: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
Mistake or manipulation? Conceptualizing perceived mis-and disinformation among news consumers in 10 European countries
M Hameleers, A Brosius, F Marquart, AC Goldberg, E Van Elsas, ...
Communication Research 49 (7), 919-941, 2022
Krav: European Commission
The effects of populist identity framing on populist attitudes across Europe: Evidence from a 15-country comparative experiment
M Hameleers, D Schmuck, A Schulz, DS Wirz, J Matthes, L Bos, N Corbu, ...
International Journal of Public Opinion Research 33 (3), 491-510, 2021
Krav: Narodowe Centrum Nauki
Fighting biased news diets: Using news media literacy interventions to stimulate online cross-cutting media exposure patterns
TGLA Van Der Meer, M Hameleers
New Media & Society 23 (11), 3156-3178, 2021
Krav: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
I knew it, the world is falling apart! Combatting a confirmatory negativity bias in audiences’ news selection through news media literacy interventions
TGLA van der Meer, M Hameleers
Digital Journalism 10 (3), 473-492, 2022
Krav: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
Shattering populists’ rhetoric with satire at elections times: The effect of humorously holding populists accountable for their lack of solutions
M Boukes, M Hameleers
Journal of Communication 70 (4), 574-597, 2020
Krav: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
The role of media use and misinformation perceptions in optimistic bias and third-person perceptions in times of high media dependency: Evidence from four countries in the …
TGLA van der Meer, A Brosius, M Hameleers
Mass Communication and Society 26 (3), 438-462, 2023
Krav: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
Fighting lies with facts or humor: Comparing the effectiveness of satirical and regular fact-checks in response to misinformation and disinformation
M Boukes, M Hameleers
Communication Monographs 90 (1), 69-91, 2023
Krav: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
Can we trust measures of trust? a comparison of results from open and closed questions
A Brosius, M Hameleers, TGLA van der Meer
Quality & Quantity, 1-18, 2022
Krav: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
Where’s the fake news at? European news consumers’ perceptions of misinformation across information sources and topics
M Hameleers, A Brosius, CH de Vreese
Harvard Kennedy School Misinformation Review, 2021
Krav: European Commission
Mistakenly misinformed or intentionally deceived? Mis‐and Disinformation perceptions on the Russian War in Ukraine among citizens in 19 countries
M Hameleers, M Tulin, C De Vreese, T Aalberg, P Van Aelst, AS Cardenal, ...
European Journal of Political Research 63 (4), 1642-1654, 2024
Krav: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research, UK Economic and Social …
Justifying an invasion: When is disinformation successful?
J Zilinsky, Y Theocharis, F Pradel, M Tulin, C de Vreese, T Aalberg, ...
Political Communication 41 (6), 965-986, 2024
Krav: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research, UK Economic and Social …
Why do citizens choose to read fact-checks in the context of the Russian war in Ukraine? The role of directional and accuracy motivations in nineteen democracies
M Tulin, M Hameleers, C de Vreese, T Aalberg, N Corbu, P Van Erkel, ...
The International Journal of Press/Politics, 19401612241233533, 2024
Krav: Research Foundation (Flanders), German Research Foundation, Danish Council …
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