Wiebke Neumann
Wiebke Neumann
University of Agricultural Sciences
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Difference in spatiotemporal patterns of wildlife road-crossings and wildlife-vehicle collisions
W Neumann, G Ericsson, H Dettki, N Bunnefeld, NS Keuler, DP Helmers, ...
Biological Conservation 145 (1), 70-78, 2012
Seasonal and annual variation in the diet of brown bears Ursus arctos in the boreal forest of southcentral Sweden
NE Stenset, PN Lutnæs, V Bjarnadóttir, B Dahle, KH Fossum, P Jigsved, ...
Wildlife Biology 22 (3), 107-116, 2016
Opportunities for the application of advanced remotely-sensed data in ecological studies of terrestrial animal movement
W Neumann, S Martinuzzi, AB Estes, AM Pidgeon, H Dettki, G Ericsson, ...
Movement ecology 3 (1), 1-13, 2015
Temporal patterns of moose-vehicle collisions with and without personal injuries
M Niemi, CM Rolandsen, W Neumann, T Kukko, R Tiilikainen, J Pusenius, ...
Accident Analysis & Prevention 98, 167-173, 2017
The non-impact of hunting on moose Alces alces movement, diurnal activity, and activity range
W Neumann, G Ericsson, H Dettki
European Journal of Wildlife Research 55 (3), 255-265, 2009
Is large-scale wind power a problem, solution, or victim? A frame analysis of the debate in Swedish media
T Bjärstig, I Mancheva, A Zachrisson, W Neumann, J Svensson
Energy Research & Social Science 83, 102337, 2022
Behavioural response to infrastructure of wildlife adapted to natural disturbances
W Neumann, G Ericsson, H Dettki, VC Radeloff
Landscape and Urban Planning 114, 9-27, 2013
Does off-trail backcountry skiing disturb moose?
W Neumann, G Ericsson, H Dettki
European journal of wildlife research 56 (4), 513-518, 2010
Effect of immobilizations on the activity and space use of female moose (Alces alces)
W Neumann, G Ericsson, H Dettki, JM Arnemo
Canadian Journal of Zoology 89 (11), 1013-1018, 2011
The impacts of wind power on terrestrial mammals: a synthesis
JO Helldin, J Jung, W Neumann, M Olsson, A Skarin, F Widemo
Naturvårdsverket, 2012
Seasonal Hypometabolism in Female Moose
AR Græsli, A Thiel, B Fuchs, NJ Singh, F Stenbacka, G Ericsson, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 8, 107, 2020
The impacts of wind power on terrestrial mammals
JO Helldin, J Jung, W Neumann, M Olsson, A Skarin, F Widemo
Naturvardsverket, Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, Report 6510, 1-51, 2012
Divergence in parturition timing and vegetation onset in a large herbivore—differences along a latitudinal gradient
W Neumann, NJ Singh, F Stenbacka, J Malmsten, K Wallin, JP Ball, ...
Biology Letters 16 (6), 20200044, 2020
Physiological and behavioural responses of moose to hunting with dogs
AR Græsli, L Le Grand, A Thiel, B Fuchs, O Devineau, F Stenbacka, ...
Conservation Physiology 8 (1), coaa122, 2020
Offset between GPS collar-recorded temperature in moose and ambient weather station data
G Ericsson, H Dettki, W Neumann, JM Arnemo, NJ Singh
European Journal of Wildlife Research 61 (6), 919-922, 2015
Landscape Approaches to Sustainability—Aspects of Conflict, Integration, and Synergy in National Public Land-Use Interests
J Svensson, W Neumann, T Bjärstig, A Zachrisson, C Thellbro
Sustainability 12 (12), 5113, 2020
Widespread habitat for Europe's largest herbivores, but poor connectivity limits recolonization
H Bluhm, TA Diserens, T Engleder, K Heising, M Heurich, T Janík, M Jirků, ...
Diversity and Distributions 29 (3), 423-437, 2023
Hunting as land use: Understanding the spatial associations among hunting, agriculture, and forestry
W Neumann, C Levers, F Widemo, N Singh, J Cromsigt, T Kuemmerle
Ecology and Society 27 (1), 2022
Influence of Hunting on Movements of Moose near Roads.
W Neumann, G Ericsson
Journal of Wildlife Management 82, 918-928, 2018
The impact of human recreational activities: moose as a case study
W Neumann, G Ericsson, H Dettki
Alces: A Journal Devoted to the Biology and Management of Moose 47, 17-25, 2011
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