Artiklar med krav på offentlig åtkomst - Hugh BrownLäs mer
Tillgängliga någonstans: 11
Controlled and scalable torsional actuation of twisted nylon 6 fiber
S Aziz, S Naficy, J Foroughi, HR Brown, GM Spinks
Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics 54 (13), 1278-1286, 2016
Krav: Australian Research Council
Effect of first network topology on the toughness of double network hydrogels
H Xin, SZ Saricilar, HR Brown, PG Whitten, GM Spinks
Macromolecules 46 (16), 6613-6620, 2013
Krav: Australian Research Council
Characterisation of torsional actuation in highly twisted yarns and fibres
S Aziz, S Naficy, J Foroughi, HR Brown, GM Spinks
Polymer testing 46, 88-97, 2015
Krav: Australian Research Council
Structural Versatility in Slide‐Ring Gels: Influence of Co‐Threaded Cyclodextrin Spacers
T Murakami, BVKJ Schmidt, HR Brown, CJ Hawker
Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry 55 (7), 1156-1165, 2017
Krav: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Defense
Twist–coil coupling fibres for high stroke tensile artificial muscles
S Aziz, S Naficy, J Foroughi, HR Brown, GM Spinks
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 283, 98-106, 2018
Krav: Australian Research Council
One‐pot fabrication of robust interpenetrating hydrogels via orthogonal click reactions
T Murakami, HR Brown, CJ Hawker
Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry 54 (11), 1459-1467, 2016
Krav: US National Science Foundation
Mechanical recoverability and damage process of ionic‐covalent PAA m‐alginate hybrid hydrogels
H Xin, HR Brown, S Naficy, GM Spinks
Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics 54 (1), 53-63, 2016
Krav: Australian Research Council
Time-dependent mechanical properties of tough ionic-covalent hybrid hydrogels
H Xin, HR Brown, S Naficy, GM Spinks
Polymer 65, 253-261, 2015
Krav: Australian Research Council
Thermomechanical effects in the torsional actuation of twisted nylon 6 fiber
S Aziz, S Naficy, J Foroughi, HR Brown, GM Spinks
Journal of Applied Polymer Science 134 (47), 45529, 2017
Krav: Australian Research Council
Effect of anisotropic thermal expansion on the torsional actuation of twist oriented polymer fibres
S Aziz, S Naficy, J Foroughi, HR Brown, GM Spinks
Polymer 129, 127-134, 2017
Krav: Australian Research Council
Molecular weight distribution of network strands in double network hydrogels estimated by mechanical testing
H Xin, HR Brown, GM Spinks
Polymer 55 (13), 3037-3044, 2014
Krav: Australian Research Council
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