Professor Colin Bean
Professor Colin Bean
Senior Science & Policy Adviser - NatureScot
Verifierad e-postadress på glasgow.ac.uk - Startsida
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Fisheries Management. In: The Encyclopedia of Ecology and Environmental Management.
CW Bean
Blackwell Science, Oxford., 1998
Anadromous fish conservation. In: The Encyclopedia of Ecology and Environmental Management.
CW Bean
Blackwell Science, Oxford., 1998
The Bangladesh floodplain fisheries
JF Craig, AS Halls, JJF Barr, CW Bean
Fisheries research 66 (2-3), 271-286, 2004
Prior residence, aggression and territory acquisition in hatchery‐reared and wild brown trout
JI Deverill, CE Adams, CW Bean
Journal of fish Biology 55 (4), 868-875, 1999
Prospects for management strategies of invasive crayfish populations with an emphasis on biological control.
MA Freeman, JF Turnbull, WE Yeomans, CW Bean
A way forward with eco evo devo: an extended theory of resource polymorphism with postglacial fishes as model systems.
S Skúlason, KJ Parsons, R Svanbäck, K Räsänen, MM Ferguson, ...
Biological Reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 2019
Read counts from environmental DNA (eDNA) metabarcoding reflect fish abundance and biomass in drained ponds
C DiMuiri, L Lawson-Hanley, CW Bean, L Jianlong, G Pierson, GS Sellers, ...
Metabarcoding and Metagenomics 4, 97-112, 2020
Habitat use and activity patterns of roach (Rutilus rutilus (L.)), rudd (Scardinius erythrophthalmus (L.)), perch (Perca fluviatilis L.) and pike (Esox lucius L.) in the …
CW Bean, IJ Winfield
Ecology of Freshwater Fish 4 (1), 37-46, 1995
Trade-offs between reducing complex terminology and producing accurate interpretations from environmental DNA: Comment on “Environmental DNA: What's behind the term?” by …
N Rodriguez-Ezpeleta, O Morissette, CW Bean, S Manu, P Banerjee, ...
Molecular Ecology, 2021
Population trends of Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) in the UK: assessing the evidence for a widespread decline in response to climate change
IJ Winfield, J Hateley, JM Fletcher, JB James, CW Bean, P Clabburn
Hydrobiologia 650, 55-65, 2010
Horizon scanning for invasive alien species with the potential to threaten biodiversity and human health on a Mediterranean island
J Peyton, AF Martinou, OL Pescott, M Demetriou, T Adriaens, ...
Biological Invasions 21, 2107-2125, 2019
Assessment of fish populations in still waters using hydroacoustics and survey gill netting: experiences with Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) in the UK
IJ Winfield, JM Fletcher, JB James, CW Bean
Fisheries Research 96 (1), 30-38, 2009
Searching for a signal: Environmental DNA (eDNA) for the detection of invasive signal crayfish, Pacifasticus leniusculus (Dana, 1852)
KJ Harper, P Anucha, JF Turnbull, CW Bean, MJ Leaver
Management of Biological Invasions 9 (2), 137-148, 2018
Stock assessment of the Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) population of Loch Ness, U.K. In: Stock Assessment in Inland Fisheries.
CW Bean, IJ Winfield, JW Fletcher
Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford, 1996
The Scottish invasion of pink salmon in 2017
JD Armstrong, CW Bean, DA Wells
Journal of Fish Biology 93 (1), 8-11, 2018
Beavers in Scotland: a report to the Scottish Government
M Gaywood, A Stringer, D Blake, J Hall, M Hennessy, A Tree, D Geeney, ...
Scottish Natural Heritage, 2015
Biological and ecological effects of a Ligula intestinalis (L.) infestation of the gudgeon, Gobio gobio (L.), in Lough Neagh, Northern Ireland
CW Bean, IJ Winfield
Journal of Fish Biology 34 (1), 135-147, 1989
At what spatial scale should risk screenings of translocated freshwater fishes be undertaken-River basin district or climo-geographic designation?
JA Dodd, L Vilizzi, CW Bean, PI Davison, GH Copp
Biological Conservation 230, 122-130, 2019
Post‐zygotic hybrid viability in sympatric species pairs: a case study from European lampreys
JB Hume, CE Adams, B Mable, CW Bean
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 378-383, 2013
Biocide treatment of invasive signal crayfish: successes, failures and lessons learned.
S Peay, SI Johnsen, CW Bean, AM Dunn, R Sandodden, L Edsman
Diversity 11 (3), 29, 2019
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