Artiklar med krav på offentlig åtkomst - Lluís BenejamLäs mer
Tillgängliga någonstans: 35
Effective monitoring of freshwater fish
J Radinger, JR Britton, SM Carlson, AE Magurran, JD Alcaraz‐Hernández, ...
Fish and Fisheries 20 (4), 729-747, 2019
Krav: Government of Spain
Fish diversity in E uropean lakes: geographical factors dominate over anthropogenic pressures
S Brucet, S Pédron, T Mehner, TL Lauridsen, C Argillier, IJ Winfield, ...
Freshwater Biology 58 (9), 1779-1793, 2013
Krav: UK Natural Environment Research Council
Ecological impacts of small hydropower plants on headwater stream fish: from individual to community effects
L Benejam, S Saura‐Mas, M Bardina, C Solà, A Munné, E García‐Berthou
Ecology of Freshwater Fish 25 (2), 295-306, 2016
Krav: Government of Spain
Methylmercury levels and bioaccumulation in the aquatic food web of a highly mercury-contaminated reservoir
L Carrasco, L Benejam, J Benito, JM Bayona, S Díez
Environment international 37 (7), 1213-1218, 2011
Krav: Government of Spain
Fish catchability and comparison of four electrofishing crews in Mediterranean streams
L Benejam, C Alcaraz, J Benito, N Caiola, F Casals, A Maceda-Veiga, ...
Fisheries Research 123, 9-15, 2012
Krav: Government of Spain
Density-dependent effects as key drivers of intraspecific size structure of six abundant fish species in lakes across Europe
I Arranz, T Mehner, L Benejam, C Argillier, K Holmgren, E Jeppesen, ...
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 73 (4), 519-534, 2015
Krav: European Commission, Swedish Environmental Protection Agency
Assessing effects of change in land use on size-related variables of fish in subtropical streams
L Benejam, F Teixeira-de Mello, M Meerhoff, M Loureiro, E Jeppesen, ...
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 73 (4), 547-556, 2016
Krav: European Commission, Government of Spain
Small weirs, big effects: disruption of water temperature regimes with hydrological alteration in a Mediterranean stream
MJ Bae, R Merciai, L Benejam, S Sabater, E García‐Berthou
River Research and Applications 32 (3), 309-319, 2016
Krav: Government of Spain
Impacto ecológico de los peces continentales introducidos en la península ibérica
E García-Berthou, D Almeida, L Benejam, K Magellan, MJ Bae, F Casals, ...
Ecosistemas 24 (1), 36-42, 2015
Krav: European Commission, Government of Spain
Diel cycle and effects of water flow on activity and use of depth by common carp
J Benito, L Benejam, L Zamora, E García‐Berthou
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 144 (3), 491-501, 2015
Krav: Government of Spain
Size spectra and other size-related variables of river fish communities: systematic changes along the altitudinal gradient on pristine Andean streams
L Benejam, I Tobes, S Brucet, R Miranda
Ecological Indicators 90, 366-378, 2018
Krav: German Research Foundation, Government of Spain
Relationship of fish indices with sampling effort and land use change in a large Mediterranean river
D Almeida, JD Alcaraz-Hernández, R Merciai, L Benejam, ...
Science of the Total Environment 605, 1055-1063, 2017
Krav: Government of Spain
Fish size spectra are affected by nutrient concentration and relative abundance of non-native species across streams of the NE Iberian Peninsula
I Arranz, S Brucet, M Bartrons, C García-Comas, L Benejam
Science of the Total Environment 795, 148792, 2021
Krav: Government of Spain
Non-native fish occurrence and biomass in 1943 Western Palearctic lakes and reservoirs and their abiotic and biotic correlates
C Trochine, S Brucet, C Argillier, I Arranz, M Beklioglu, L Benejam, ...
Ecosystems 21, 395-409, 2018
Krav: German Research Foundation, Swedish Environmental Protection Agency …
Assessment of wastewater-borne pharmaceuticals in tissues and body fluids from riverine fish
DP Manjarrés-López, JM Peña-Herrera, L Benejam, N Montemurro, ...
Environmental Pollution 324, 121374, 2023
Krav: Government of Spain
Fish-based indices in Catalan rivers: intercalibration and comparison of approaches
E García-Berthou, MJ Bae, L Benejam, C Alcaraz, F Casals, A de Sostoa, ...
Experiences from Surface Water Quality Monitoring: The EU Water Framework …, 2016
Krav: Government of Spain
Size diversity and species diversity relationships in fish assemblages of Western Palearctic lakes
S Brucet, I Arranz, T Mehner, C Argillier, M Beklioğlu, L Benejam, T Boll, ...
Ecography 41 (7), 1064-1076, 2018
Krav: German Research Foundation, European Commission, Swedish Environmental …
Organochlorine compounds in European catfish (Silurus glanis) living in river areas under the influence of a chlor-alkali plant (Ebro River basin)
D Huertas, JO Grimalt, J Benito, L Benejam, E García-Berthou
Science of the Total Environment 540, 221-230, 2016
Krav: Government of Spain
Assessing the effects of multiple off-road vehicle (ORVs) tyre ruts on seaward orientation of hatchling sea turtles: implications for conservation
M Aguilera, M Medina-Suárez, J Pinós, A Liria, LF López-Jurado, ...
Journal of Coastal Conservation 23 (1), 111-119, 2019
Krav: US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Normalized abundance spectra of fish community reflect hydro-peaking on a Mediterranean large river
N Vila-Martínez, N Caiola, C Ibáñez, L Benejam, S Brucet
Ecological Indicators 97, 280-289, 2019
Krav: German Research Foundation
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