Andrew Trentin
Andrew Trentin
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Verifierad e-postadress på nottingham.ac.uk
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Control and implementation of a matrix-converter-based AC ground power-supply unit for aircraft servicing
SL Arevalo, P Zanchetta, PW Wheeler, A Trentin, L Empringham
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 57 (6), 2076-2084, 2009
Speed finite control set model predictive control of a PMSM fed by matrix converter
A Formentini, A Trentin, M Marchesoni, P Zanchetta, P Wheeler
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 62 (11), 6786-6796, 2015
Large-signal model for the stability analysis of matrix converters
D Casadei, J Clare, L Empringham, G Serra, A Tani, A Trentin, P Wheeler, ...
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 54 (2), 939-950, 2007
Theoretical and experimental investigation on the stability of matrix converters
D Casadei, G Serra, A Tani, A Trentin, L Zarri
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 52 (5), 1409-1419, 2005
An overview of the more electrical aircraft
PW Wheeler, JC Clare, A Trentin, S Bozhko
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of …, 2013
Automated optimal design of input filters for direct ac/ac matrix converters
A Trentin, P Zanchetta, J Clare, P Wheeler
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 59 (7), 2811-2823, 2011
4-MW class high-power-density generator for future hybrid-electric aircraft
D Golovanov, D Gerada, G Sala, M Degano, A Trentin, PH Connor, Z Xu, ...
IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification 7 (4), 2952-2964, 2021
Modulated predictive control for indirect matrix converter
L Tarisciotti, J Lei, A Formentini, A Trentin, P Zanchetta, P Wheeler, ...
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 53 (5), 4644-4654, 2017
Experimental Efficiency Comparison Between a Direct Matrix Converter and an Indirect Matrix Converter Using Both Si IGBTs and SiC mosfets
A Trentin, L Empringham, L De Lillo, P Zanchetta, P Wheeler, J Clare
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 52 (5), 4135-4145, 2016
Experimental comparison of a direct matrix converter using Si IGBT and SiC MOSFETs
A Trentin, L de Lillo, L Empringham, P Wheeler, J Clare
IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics 3 (2), 542-554, 2014
Research and realization of high-power medium-voltage active rectifier concepts for future hybrid-electric aircraft generation
A Trentin, G Sala, L Tarisciotti, A Galassini, M Degano, PH Connor, ...
IEEE transactions on industrial electronics 68 (12), 11684-11695, 2020
Performance evaluation of high-voltage 1.2 kV silicon carbide metal oxide semi-conductor field effect transistors for three-phase buck-type PWM rectifiers in aircraft applications
A Trentin, P Zanchetta, P Wheeler, J Clare
IET Power Electronics 5 (9), 1873-1881, 2012
An all SiC MOSFET high performance PV converter cell
D De, A Castellazzi, A Solomon, A Trentin, M Minami, T Hikihara
2013 15th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE), 1-10, 2013
Comparison between back-to-back and matrix converters based on thermal stress of the switches
D Casadei, G Grandi, C Rossi, A Trentin, L Zarri
2004 IEEE international symposium on industrial electronics 2, 1081-1086, 2004
Optimized commissioning method for enhanced vector control of high-power induction motor drives
A Trentin, P Zanchetta, C Gerada, J Clare, PW Wheeler
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 56 (5), 1708-1717, 2009
Matrix converter commutation strategy using both output current and input voltage sign measurement
D Casadei, A Trentin, M Matteini, M Calvini
EPE 2003, 2003
Identification of induction machine electrical parameters using genetic algorithms optimization
K Kampisios, P Zanchetta, C Gerada, A Trentin
2008 IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, 1-7, 2008
Power flow analysis in electro-mechanical actuators for civil aircraft
A Trentin, P Zanchetta, P Wheeler, J Clare
IET Electric Power Applications 5 (1), 48-58, 2011
Induction motor parameters identification using genetic algorithms for varying flux levels
K Kampisios, P Zanchetta, C Gerada, A Trentin, O Jasim
2008 13th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference, 887-892, 2008
Performance assessment of matrix converter and two stagematrix converter for EMA in aircraft application
A Trentin, P Zanchetta, P Wheeler, J Clare
2008 IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference, 2692-2697, 2008
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