Prof.Reginald Kavishe
Prof.Reginald Kavishe
Kilimanjaro Christian Medical University College
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High level of resistance in the mosquito Anopheles gambiae to pyrethroid insecticides and reduced susceptibility to bendiocarb in north-western Tanzania
N Protopopoff, J Matowo, R Malima, R Kavishe, R Kaaya, A Wright, ...
Malaria journal 12, 1-8, 2013
The ABCs of multidrug resistance in malaria
JB Koenderink, RA Kavishe, SR Rijpma, FGM Russel
Trends in parasitology 26 (9), 440-446, 2010
Malaria transmission after artemether-lumefantrine and dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine: a randomized trial
P Sawa, SA Shekalaghe, CJ Drakeley, CJ Sutherland, CK Mweresa, ...
The Journal of infectious diseases 207 (11), 1637-1645, 2013
In Tanzania, hemolysis after a single dose of primaquine coadministered with an artemisinin is not restricted to glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase-deficient (G6PD A−) individuals
SA Shekalaghe, R ter Braak, M Daou, R Kavishe, W van den Bijllaardt, ...
Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy 54 (5), 1762-1768, 2010
Oxidative stress in malaria and artemisinin combination therapy: Pros and Cons
RA Kavishe, JB Koenderink, M Alifrangis
The FEBS journal 284 (16), 2579-2591, 2017
Prevalence of dengue and chikungunya virus infections in north-eastern Tanzania: a cross sectional study among participants presenting with malaria-like symptoms
DC Kajeguka, RD Kaaya, S Mwakalinga, R Ndossi, A Ndaro, ...
BMC infectious diseases 16, 1-9, 2016
Trends in chloroquine resistance marker, Pfcrt-K76T mutation ten years after chloroquine withdrawal in Tanzania
A Mohammed, A Ndaro, A Kalinga, A Manjurano, JF Mosha, DF Mosha, ...
Malaria journal 12, 1-7, 2013
The Severity of Plasmodium falciparum Infection Is Associated with Transcript Levels of var Genes Encoding Endothelial Protein C Receptor-Binding P. falciparum …
SI Mkumbaye, CW Wang, E Lyimo, JS Jespersen, A Manjurano, J Mosha, ...
Infection and immunity 85 (4), 10.1128/iai. 00841-16, 2017
Localization of the ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transport proteins PfMRP1, PfMRP2, and PfMDR5 at the Plasmodium falciparum plasma membrane
RA Kavishe, JMW van den Heuvel, M van de Vegte-Bolmer, AJF Luty, ...
Malaria journal 8, 1-9, 2009
Bacterial superglue generates a full-length circumsporozoite protein virus-like particle vaccine capable of inducing high and durable antibody responses
CM Janitzek, S Matondo, S Thrane, MA Nielsen, R Kavishe, ...
Malaria journal 15, 1-9, 2016
Low density parasitaemia, red blood cell polymorphisms and Plasmodium falciparumspecific immune responses in a low endemic area in northern Tanzania
S Shekalaghe, M Alifrangis, C Mwanziva, A Enevold, S Mwakalinga, ...
BMC infectious diseases 9, 1-7, 2009
High levels of sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine resistance Pfdhfr-Pfdhps quintuple mutations: a cross sectional survey of six regions in Tanzania
SI Matondo, GS Temba, AA Kavishe, JS Kauki, A Kalinga, ...
Malaria Journal 13, 1-7, 2014
Trends in the selection of insecticide resistance in Anopheles gambiae s.l. mosquitoes in northwest Tanzania during a community randomized trial of longlasting …
J Matowo, J Kitau, R Kaaya, R Kavishe, A Wright, W Kisinza, ...
Medical and veterinary entomology 29 (1), 51-59, 2015
Efficacy and safety of artemether-lumefantrine for the treatment of uncomplicated malaria and prevalence of Pfk13 and Pfmdr1 polymorphisms after a decade of …
DS Ishengoma, CI Mandara, F Francis, E Talundzic, NW Lucchi, ...
Malaria journal 18, 1-13, 2019
Describing the current status of Plasmodium falciparum population structure and drug resistance within mainland Tanzania using molecular inversion probes
KA Moser, RA Madebe, O Aydemir, MG Chiduo, CI Mandara, SF Rumisha, ...
Molecular ecology 30 (1), 100-113, 2021
Effect of monthly intermittent preventive treatment with dihydroartemisinin–piperaquine with and without azithromycin versus monthly sulfadoxine–pyrimethamine on adverse …
M Madanitsa, HC Barsosio, DTR Minja, G Mtove, RA Kavishe, J Dodd, ...
The Lancet 401 (10381), 1020-1036, 2023
Knowledge and practice regarding dengue and chikungunya: a cross‐sectional study among Healthcare workers and community in Northern Tanzania
DC Kajeguka, RE Desrochers, R Mwangi, MR Mgabo, M Alifrangis, ...
Tropical Medicine & International Health 22 (5), 583-593, 2017
Severe Plasmodium falciparum malaria in Cameroon: associated with the glutathione S-transferase M1 null genotype.
RA Kavishe, JB Koenderink, MBB McCall, WHM Peters, B Mulder, ...
Surveillance of artemether-lumefantrine associated Plasmodium falciparum multidrug resistance protein-1 gene polymorphisms in Tanzania
RA Kavishe, P Paulo, RD Kaaya, A Kalinga, M van Zwetselaar, ...
Malaria journal 13, 1-6, 2014
Prevalence and risk factors of preconception anemia: A community based cross sectional study of rural women of reproductive age in northeastern Tanzania
OA Msemo, IC Bygbjerg, SL Møller, BB Nielsen, L Ødum, K Perslev, ...
PLoS one 13 (12), e0208413, 2018
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