James Gray Pope
James Gray Pope
Distinguished Professor of Law Emeritus, Rutgers University
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Labor's Constitution of Freedom
JG Pope
Yale LJ 106, 941, 1996
Republican moments: the role of direct popular power in the American constitutional order
JG Pope
U. Pa. L. Rev. 139, 287, 1990
The Thirteenth Amendment versus the Commerce Clause: Labor and the Shaping of American Constititutional Law, 1921-1957
JG Pope
Colum. L. Rev. 102, 1, 2002
How American workers lost the right to strike, and other tales
JG Pope
Mich. L. Rev. 103, 518, 2004
Contract, Race, and Freedom of Labor in the Constitutional Law of" Involuntary Servitude"
JG Pope
the yale law journal, 1474-1567, 2010
Labor and the Constitution: from Abolition to Deindustrialization
JG Pope
Tex. L. Rev. 65, 1071, 1986
Mass incarceration, convict leasing, and the thirteenth amendment: A revisionist account
JG Pope
NYUL Rev. 94, 1465, 2019
Labor-Community Coalitions and Boycotts: The Old Labor Law, the New Unionism, and the Living Constitution
JG Pope
Tex. L. Rev. 69, 889, 1990
The three-systems ladder of first amendment values: two rungs and a black hole
JG Pope
Hastings Const. LQ 11, 189, 1983
Section 1 of the Thirteenth Amendment and the Badges and Incidents of Slavery
JG Pope
UCLA L. Rev. 65, 426, 2018
Worker Lawmaking, Sit-Down Strikes, and the Shaping of American Industrial Relations, 1935-1958
J Pope
Law and History Review 24 (1), 45-113, 2006
A free labor approach to human trafficking
JG Pope
University of Pennsylvania Law Review 158 (6), 1849-1875, 2010
The First Amendment, the Thirteenth Amendment, and the Right to Organize in the Twenty-First Century
JG Pope
Rutgers L. Rev. 51, 941, 1998
Snubbed Landmark: Why United States v. Cruikshank (1876) Belongs at the Heart of the American Constitutional Canon
JG Pope
Harv. CR-CLL Rev. 49, 385, 2014
An Approach to State Constitutional Interpretation
JG Pope
Rutgers LJ 24, 985, 1992
Next Wave Organizing and the Shift to a New Paradigm of Labor Law
J Pope
NYL Sch. L. Rev. 50, 515, 2005
What's Different about the Thirteenth Amendment, and Why Does it Matter
JG Pope
Md. L. Rev. 71, 189, 2011
Two Faces, Two Ethics: Labor Union Lawyers and the Emerging Doctrine of Entity Ethics
JG Pope
Or. L. Rev. 68, 1, 1989
Class Conflicts of Law II: Solidarity, Entrepreneurship, and the Deep Agenda of the Obama NLRB
JG Pope
Buff. L. Rev. 57, 653, 2009
Why Is There No Socialism in the United States: Law and the Racial Divide in the American Working Class, 1676-1964
JG Pope
Tex. L. Rev. 94, 1555, 2015
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