Kannan Mohan
Kannan Mohan
Baruch College, The City University of New York
Verifierad e-postadress på baruch.cuny.edu
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Can distributed software development be agile?
B Ramesh, L Cao, K Mohan, P Xu
Communications of the ACM 49 (10), 41-46, 2006
A framework for adapting agile development methodologies
L Cao, K Mohan, P Xu, B Ramesh
European Journal of Information Systems 18 (4), 332-343, 2009
Ambidexterity in Agile Distributed Development: An Empirical Investigation
B Ramesh, K Mohan, L Cao
Information Systems Research 23 (2), 323-339, 2012
How extreme does extreme programming have to be? Adapting XP practices to large-scale projects
L Cao, K Mohan, P Xu, B Ramesh
System Sciences, 2004. Proceedings of the 37th Annual Hawaii International …, 2004
Locking the door but leaving the computer vulnerable: Factors inhibiting home users' adoption of software firewalls
N Kumar, K Mohan, R Holowczak
Decision Support Systems 46 (1), 254-264, 2008
Adapting funding processes for agile IT projects: an empirical investigation
L Cao, K Mohan, B Ramesh, S Sarkar
European Journal of Information Systems, 2012
Improving change management in software development: Integrating traceability and software configuration management
K Mohan, P Xu, L Cao, B Ramesh
Decision Support Systems 45 (4), 922-936, 2008
Integrating software product line engineering and agile development
K Mohan, B Ramesh, V Sugumaran
Software, IEEE 27 (3), 48-55, 2010
Traceability-based knowledge integration in group decision and negotiation activities
K Mohan, B Ramesh
Decision Support Systems 43 (3), 968-989, 2007
Managing variability with traceability in product and service families
K Mohan, B Ramesh
System Sciences, 2002. HICSS. Proceedings of the 35th Annual Hawaii …, 2002
Assessing Green IT Initiatives Using the Balanced Scorecard
R Jain, R Benbunan-Fich, K Mohan
IT professional 13 (1), 26-32, 2011
Ontology-based support for variability management in product and families
K Mohan, B Ramesh
System Sciences, 2003. Proceedings of the 36th Annual Hawaii International …, 2003
Knowledge networking to support medical new product development
K Mohan, R Jain, B Ramesh
Decision Support Systems 43 (4), 1255-1273, 2007
Social Networking in Knowledge Management
S Anderson, K Mohan
IT Professional 13 (4), 24-28, 2011
Development of an instrument to study the use of recommendation systems
G Beyah, P Xu, H Woo, K Mohan, D Straub
Supporting information product and service families with traceability
B Ramesh, A Tiwana, K Mohan
Software Product-Family Engineering, 281-302, 2002
Improving the change-management process
K Mohan, P Xu, B Ramesh
Communications of the ACM 51 (5), 59-64, 2008
Managing Disruptive and Sustaining Innovations in Green IT
K Mohan, B Ramesh, L Cao, S Sarkar
IEEE, 2011
Using traceability to mitigate cognitive biases in software development
K Mohan, R Jain
Communications of the ACM 51 (9), 110-114, 2008
Change management patterns in software product lines
K Mohan, B Ramesh
Communications of the ACM 49 (12), 68-72, 2006
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