Carine Lallemand
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User experience: A concept without consensus? Exploring practitioners’ perspectives through an international survey
C Lallemand, G Gronier, V Koenig
Computers in Human Behavior 43, 35-48, 2015
Méthodes de design UX: 30 méthodes fondamentales pour concevoir des expériences optimales
C Lallemand, G Gronier
Éditions Eyrolles, 2018
Création et validation d’une version française du questionnaire AttrakDiff pour l’évaluation de l’expérience utilisateur des systèmes interactifs
C Lallemand, V Koenig, G Gronier, R Martin
European Review of Applied Psychology 65 (5), 239-252, 2015
Acceptability and acceptance of autonomous mobility on demand: The impact of an immersive experience
V Distler, C Lallemand, T Bellet
Proceedings of the 2018 CHI conference on human factors in computing systems …, 2018
How Acceptable Is This? How User Experience Factors Can Broaden our Understanding of The Acceptance of Privacy Trade-offs
V Distler, C Lallemand, V Koenig
Computers in Human Behavior 106, 106227, 2020
Security–Visible, Yet Unseen? How Displaying Security Mechanisms Impacts User Experience and Perceived Security
V Distler, ML Zollinger, C Lallemand, P Roenne, P Ryan, V Koenig
Proceedings of ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2019
A Systematic Literature Review of Empirical Methods and Risk Representation in Usable Privacy and Security Research
V Distler, M Fassl, H Habib, K Krombholz, G Lenzini, C Lallemand, ...
ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI) 28 (6), 1-50, 2021
How Could an Intranet be Like a Friend to Me? Why Standardized UX Scales Don't Always Fit
C Lallemand, V Koenig
Proceedings of the European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics, 9-16, 2017
Enhancing User eXperience during waiting time in HCI: contributions of cognitive psychology
C Lallemand, G Gronier
DIS '12 Proceedings of the Designing Interactive Systems Conference, 751-760, 2012
A Scoping Review of Digital Tools to Reduce Sedentary Behavior or Increase Physical Activity in Knowledge Workers
I Damen, H Brombacher, C Lallemand, R Brankaert, A Brombacher, ...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17 (2), 499, 2020
Child–Computer Interaction: From a systematic review towards an integrated understanding of interaction design methods for children
FK Lehnert, J Niess, C Lallemand, P Markopoulos, A Fischbach, V Koenig
International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction 32, 100398, 2022
How relevant is an expert evaluation of user experience based on a psychological needs-driven approach?
C Lallemand, V Koenig, G Gronier
Proceedings of the 8th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction: Fun …, 2014
Lab testing beyond usability: challenges and recommendations for assessing user experiences
C Lallemand, V Koenig
Journal of Usability Studies 12 (3), 2017
Towards consolidated methods for the design and evaluation of user experience
C Lallemand
University of Luxembourg, 2015
Laina: dynamic data physicalization for slow exercising feedback
D Menheere, E Van Hartingsveldt, M Birkebæk, S Vos, C Lallemand
Proceedings of the 2021 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference, 1015-1030, 2021
The framework of security-enhancing friction: How UX can help users behave more securely
V Distler, G Lenzini, C Lallemand, V Koenig
Proceedings of the New Security Paradigms Workshop 2020, 45-58, 2020
Méthodes de design UX: 30 méthodes fondamentales pour concevoir et évaluer les systèmes interactifs
G Gronier, C Lallemand
Eyrolles, 2015
Dear Diary: Using Diaries to Study User Experience
C Lallemand
User Experience Magazine 11 (3), 2012
Measuring the Contextual Dimension of User Experience: Development of the User Experience Context Scale (UXCS)
C Lallemand, V Koenig
Proceedings of the 11th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction …, 2020
Runner’s Perceptions of Reasons to Quit Running: Influence of Gender, Age and Running-Related Characteristics
D Menheere, M Janssen, M Funk, E van der Spek, C Lallemand, S Vos
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17 (17), 6046, 2020
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