maria Jose Martinez
maria Jose Martinez
Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria, Estación Experimental Manfredi Provincia de Córdoba,
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Soybean maturity groups, environments, and their interaction define mega‐environments for seed composition in Argentina
JL Dardanelli, M Balzarini, MJ Martínez, M Cuniberti, S Resnik, ...
Crop Science 46 (5), 1939-1947, 2006
Water deficit effect on the relationship between temperature during the seed fill period and soybean seed oil and protein concentrations
C Carrera, MJ Martínez, J Dardanelli, M Balzarini
Crop Science 49 (3), 990-998, 2009
Amino acid composition of soybean seeds as affected by climatic variables
CS Carrera, CM Reynoso, GJ Funes, MJ Martínez, J Dardanelli, ...
Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira 46, 1579-1587, 2011
Environmental variation and correlation of seed components in nontransgenic soybeans: protein, oil, unsaturated fatty acids, tocopherols, and isoflavones
C Carrera, MJ Martínez, J Dardanelli, M Balzarini
Crop Science 51 (2), 800-809, 2011
Oil Quality and Sugar Content of Peanuts (Arachis hypogaea) Grown in Argentina:  Their Relationship with Climatic Variables and Seed Yield
C Casini, JL Dardanelli, MJ Martínez, M Balzarini, CS Borgogno, ...
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 51 (21), 6309-6313, 2003
Tocopherol content, peroxide value and sensory attributes in roasted peanuts during storage
MP Silva, MJ Martinez, C Casini, NR Grosso
International Journal of Food Science and Technology 45 (7), 1499-1504, 2010
Proximate composition and seed lipid components of “kabuli”-type chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) from Argentina
CGM Nobile, J Carreras, R Grosso, M Inga, M Silva, R Aguilar, MJ Allende, ...
Agricultural Sciences 2013, 2013
Valoración nutritiva del fruto del algarrobo blanco (Prosopis chilensis) bajo distintos tipos de almacenamiento
MP Silva, MJ Martinez, R Coirini, MA Brunetti, M Balzarini, U Karlin
Multequina 9 (1), 65-74, 2000
Cinnamaldehyde and related phenylpropanoids, natural repellents, and insecticides against Sitophilus zeamais (Motsch.). A chemical structure‐bioactivity …
YP Zaio, G Gatti, AA Ponce, NA Saavedra Larralde, MJ Martinez, ...
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 98 (15), 5822-5831, 2018
The reduction of methane production in the in vitro ruminal fermentation of different substrates is linked with the chemical composition of the essential oil
F Garcia, D Colombatto, MA Brunetti, MJ Martínez, MV Moreno, ...
Animals 10 (5), 786, 2020
El cultivo de garbanzo (Cicer arietinum L.) en Argentina
J Carreras, V Mazzuferi, M Karlin
Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Córdoba, 2016
Relationship between resistance to grain mold and concentration of flavan-4-ols of sorghum grain.
MJ Martinez, LM Giorda, M Balzarini
Climatic thresholds for concentrations of minerals and heavy metals in Argentinean soybean
CG Marioli Nobile, M Balzarini, FM Aguate, NR Grosso, DO Soldini, ...
Agronomy Journal 108 (2), 532-539, 2016
Evaluación de residuos de plaguicidas en granos de maíz (Zea mays L.) y trigo (Triticum aestivum L.) posterior a la aplicación en el almacenamiento y en el campo
J Strada, A Ricca, M Conles, M Silva, D Rojas, C Casini, F Piatti, ...
Interciencia 37 (6), 412-417, 2012
The Role of Fumonisins in the Biological Interaction between Fusarium verticillioides and Sitophilus zeamais
VL Usseglio, JS Dambolena, MJ Martinez, MP Zunino
Journal of Chemical Ecology 46 (11), 1059-1068, 2020
Essential oils from Lippia turbinata and Tagetes minuta persistently reduce in vitro ruminal methane production in a continuous-culture system
F Garcia, PE Vercoe, MJ Martínez, Z Durmic, MA Brunetti, MV Moreno, ...
Animal Production Science 59 (4), 709-720, 2019
Effect of soil temperature during seed filling period on oleic/linoleic ratio, tocopherols and sugar contents in peanut kernels
RJ Haro, JL Dardanelli, MJ Martínez
Grasas y Aceites 71 (3), e369-e369, 2020
Competitividad y calidad de los cultivos industriales: caña de azúcar, mandioca, maní, tabaco, té y yerba mate
RG Bongiovanni, JL Morandi, L Troilo, M Giletta, F Ríos, G Pérez, ...
Manfredi: INTA-EEA Manfredi,, 2012
El trébol de olor blanco y su uso en la provincia de Córdoba
C López, A Odorizzi, DH Basigalup, V Arolfo, MJ Martinez
Ediciones INTA, 2016
Mycobiota and potential mycotoxin contamination of soybean RR in different production areas in Argentina
MJ Zelaya, HHL Gonzalez, SL Resnik, AM Pacin, MP Salas, MJ Martínez
International Research Journals, 2013
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