Thomas Provot
Thomas Provot
EPF – Graduate School of Engineering
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Validation of a high sampling rate inertial measurement unit for acceleration during running
T Provot, X Chiementin, E Oudin, F Bolaers, S Murer
Sensors 17 (9), 1958, 2017
Evaluation of physical interaction during walker-assisted gait with the AGoRA Walker: Strategies based on virtual mechanical stiffness
SD Sierra M, M Múnera, T Provot, M Bourgain, CA Cifuentes
Sensors 21 (9), 3242, 2021
Effect of running speed on temporal and frequency indicators from wearable MEMS accelerometers
T Provot, X Chiementin, F Bolaers, S Murer
Sports Biomechanics 20 (7), 831-843, 2021
Difference of stability between two elite boxing groups: a preliminary study
S El-Oujaji, T Provot, M Bourgain, D Dinu
Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering 22 (sup1), S481-S483, 2019
Development of a 3D relative motion method for human–robot interaction assessment
F Ballen-Moreno, M Bautista, T Provot, M Bourgain, CA Cifuentes, ...
Sensors 22 (6), 2411, 2022
Force pattern and acceleration waveform repeatability of amateur runners
O Lariviere, T Provot, L Valdes-Tamayo, M Bourgain, D Chadefaux
Proceedings 49 (1), 2020
The use of a social assistive robot: NAO for post strokes rehabilitation therapy: a preliminary study
L Sanchez, A Courtine, G Gerard-Flavian, A Dauber-Natali, J Signeux, ...
Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering 22 (sup1), S478-S480, 2019
Intra and inter test repeatability of accelerometric indicators measured while running
T Provot, M Munera, F Bolaers, G Vitry, X Chiementin
Procedia Engineering 147, 573-577, 2016
A time to exhaustion model during prolonged running based on wearable accelerometers
T Provot, X Chiementin, F Bolaers, M Munera
Sports biomechanics, 2021
Effects of stance control via hidden Markov model-based gait phase detection on healthy users of an active hip-knee exoskeleton
M Sánchez-Manchola, L Arciniegas-Mayag, M Múnera, M Bourgain, ...
Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology 11, 1021525, 2023
Design and manufacturing of prosthetic feet for children as a multidisciplinary project for mechanical engineering students
M Bourgain, T Provot, X Bonnet
Tempus Publications, 2020
Impact of exhaustion level on tibial acceleration signature of amateur runners
T Provot, A Najdem, L Valdes-Tamayo, X Chiementin
Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering 23 (sup1), S241-S243, 2020
Contribution of bamboo for vibratory comfort in biomechanics of cycling
X Chiementin, S Crequy, R Feron, M Munera, E Abdi, T Provot, R Taiar
Open Mechanical Engineering Journal 11 (44), 54, 2017
Does exhaustion modify acceleration running signature?
T Provot, A Nadjem, L Valdes-Tamayo, M Bourgain, X Chiementin
Sports Biomechanics 23 (10), 1681-1691, 2024
3D relative motion assessment in lower-limb exoskeletons: a case of study with AGoRA exoskeleton
F Ballen-Moreno, CA Cifuentes, T Provot, M Bourgain, M Múnera
Wearable Robotics: Challenges and Trends: Proceedings of the 5th …, 2022
Identification of gait stability indices for the rehabilitation follow-up of people with transtibial amputation: a preliminary study
J Durand, A Prat, T Provot, J Bascou, E Simonetti
Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering 23 (sup1), S97-S98, 2020
Variability of motor moment during golf swing: study of a female professional player
M Bourgain, T Provot, C Sauret, L Valdes-Tamayo, O Rouillon, P Thoreux, ...
Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering 23 (sup1), S43-S44, 2020
Instrumentation for Mechanical Vibration Analysis
T Provot, R Serra, S Crequy
Whole Body Vibrations: Physical and Biological Effects on the Human Body, 2018
Apport de l’accélérométrie pour l’étude quantifiée des dérives mécaniques de la course à pied face à la fatigue
T Provot
Reims, 2016
The Measurement of Spatiotemporal Parameters in Running at Different Velocities: A Comparison Between a GPS Unit and an Infrared Mat
T Provot, B Millot, E Hazotte, T Rousseau, J Slawinski
Methods and Protocols 7 (6), 103, 2024
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