Paul R. Amato
Paul R. Amato
Department of Sociology, Penn State University
Verifierad e-postadress på psu.edu
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The consequences of divorce for adults and children
PR Amato
Journal of marriage and family 62 (4), 1269-1287, 2000
Parental divorce and the well-being of children: a meta-analysis.
PR Amato, B Keith
Psychological bulletin 110 (1), 26, 1991
Research on divorce: Continuing trends and new developments
PR Amato
Journal of marriage and family 72 (3), 650-666, 2010
Children of divorce in the 1990s: an update of the Amato and Keith (1991) meta-analysis.
PR Amato
Journal of family psychology 15 (3), 355, 2001
Nonresident fathers and children's well-being: A meta-analysis
PR Amato, JG Gilbreth
Journal of Marriage and the Family, 557-573, 1999
Scholarship on fatherhood in the 1990s and beyond
W Marsiglio, P Amato, RD Day, ME Lamb
Journal of marriage and family 62 (4), 1173-1191, 2000
Children's adjustment to divorce: Theories, hypotheses, and empirical support
PR Amato
Journal of Marriage and the Family, 23-38, 1993
Parental divorce and adult well-being: A meta-analysis
PR Amato, B Keith
Journal of Marriage and the Family, 43-58, 1991
The impact of family formation change on the cognitive, social, and emotional well-being of the next generation
PR Amato
The future of children, 75-96, 2005
People's reasons for divorcing: Gender, social class, the life course, and adjustment
PR Amato, D Previti
Journal of family issues 24 (5), 602-626, 2003
A generation at risk: Growing up in an era of family upheaval
PR Amato, A Booth
Harvard University Press, 1997
Explaining the intergenerational transmission of divorce
PR Amato
Journal of Marriage and the Family, 628-640, 1996
A longitudinal study of marital problems and subsequent divorce
PR Amato, SJ Rogers
Journal of Marriage and the Family, 612-624, 1997
Parenting practices, child adjustment, and family diversity
PR Amato, F Fowler
Journal of marriage and family 64 (3), 703-716, 2002
Father-child relations, mother-child relations, and offspring psychological well-being in early adulthood
PR Amato
Journal of Marriage and the Family, 1031-1042, 1994
Consequences of relationship status and quality for subjective well-being
CMK Dush, PR Amato
Journal of Social and Personal relationships 22 (5), 607-627, 2005
The effects of divorce and marital discord on adult children's psychological well-being
PR Amato, JM Sobolewski
American sociological review 66 (6), 900-921, 2001
Parental divorce, marital conflict, and offspring well-being during early adulthood
PR Amato, LS Loomis, A Booth
Social forces 73 (3), 895-915, 1995
Paternal involvement and children's behavior problems
PR Amato, F Rivera
Journal of Marriage and the Family, 375-384, 1999
The transmission of marital instability across generations: Relationship skills or commitment to marriage?
PR Amato, DD DeBoer
Journal of marriage and family 63 (4), 1038-1051, 2001
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