Julian Hill
Julian Hill
Head of the Transport Collision Research Group, Loughborough University Design School, UK
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Restrained occupants on the nonstruck side in lateral collisions
GM Mackay, J Hill, S Parkin, JAR Munns
Accident Analysis & Prevention 25 (2), 147-152, 1993
Pedestrians and their survivability at different impact speeds
R Cuerden, D Richards, J Hill
Proceedings of the 20th International Technical Conference on the Enhanced …, 2007
Chest and abdominal injuries caused by seat belt loading
JR Hill, GM Mackay, AP Morris
Accident Analysis & Prevention 26 (1), 11-26, 1994
Head injuries in lateral impact collisions
A Morris, A Hassan, M Mackay, J Hill
Accident Analysis & Prevention 27 (6), 749-756, 1995
Maxillofacial injuries following steering wheel contact by drivers using seat belts
S Rogers, JR Hill, GM Mackay
British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 30 (1), 24-30, 1992
The potential effectiveness of adaptive restraints
R Cuerden, J Hill, A Kirk, M Mackay
The UK on the spot accident data collection study–phase II report
R Cuerden, M Pittman, E Dodson, J Hill
Department for Transport© Queen’s Printer and Controller of Her Majesty’s …, 2008
Single-vehicle collisions in Europe: analysis using real-world and crash-test data
CL Naing, J Hill, R Thomson, H Fagerlind, M Kelkka, C Klootwijk, G Dupre, ...
International journal of crashworthiness 13 (2), 219-229, 2008
The effect of occupant characteristics on injury risk and the development of active-adaptive restraint systems
MG McCarthy, BP Chinn, J Hill
SAE Technical Paper, 2001
Roadside infrastructure for safer European roads: D02 Summary of driver behaviour and driver interactions with roadside infrastructure
WH Janssen, S De Ridder, RFT Brouwer, R Thomson, H Fagerlind, ...
Loughborough University, 2006
Observational studies of car occupants’ positions
M Mackay, AM Hassan, JR Hill
Proc. of the 16th Int. Technical Conf. on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles, 1998
The limitations of current seatbelts in Europe--some population considerations
GM Mackay, JR Hill
Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery 38 (4), 533-537, 1995
Development and implementation of the UK on the spot accident data collection study-phase I
J Hill, R Cuerden
© Crown Copyright, 2005
Secondary Safety Developments: Some Applications of Field Data
AM Hassan, JR Hill, S Parkin, GM Mackay
Autotech 1995; ImechE, 1995
Interaction of road environment, vehicle and human factors in the causation of pedestrian accidents
J Lenard, J Hill
The methodology of on the spot accident investigations in the UK
J Hill, P Thomas, M Smith, N Byard, I Rillie
SAE Technical Paper, 2001
Use of car crashes resulting in fatal and serious injuries to analyze a safe road transport system model and to identify system weaknesses
H Stigson, J Hill
Traffic injury prevention 10 (5), 441-450, 2009
Appropriate frontal barrier tests for restrained occupants
JR Hill, RJ Frampton, M Mackay
Proceedings: Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine Annual …, 1993
Appropriate frontal barrier tests for belted occupants
JR Hill, RJ Frampton, M Mackay
Accident Analysis & Prevention 27 (6), 807-817, 1995
Transport planning guidelines for vulnerable road user safety in emerging economies
C Quigley, R Sims, J Hill, A Tripodi, L Persia, H Pietrantonio, M Kharat
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 48, 3220-3229, 2012
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