Ede Rancz
Ede Rancz
Mediterranean Institute of Neurobiology, Marseille
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Dendritic excitability and synaptic plasticity
PJ Sjostrom, EA Rancz, A Roth, M Hausser
Physiological reviews 88 (2), 769-840, 2008
Distribution of CB1 cannabinoid receptors in the amygdala and their role in the control of GABAergic transmission
I Katona, EA Rancz, L Acsády, C Ledent, K Mackie, N Hájos, TF Freund
Journal of Neuroscience 21 (23), 9506-9518, 2001
High-fidelity transmission of sensory information by single cerebellar mossy fibre boutons
EA Rancz, T Ishikawa, I Duguid, P Chadderton, S Mahon, M Häusser
Nature 450 (7173), 1245-1248, 2007
The stimulus selectivity and connectivity of layer six principal cells reveals cortical microcircuits underlying visual processing
M Vélez-Fort, CV Rousseau, CJ Niedworok, IR Wickersham, EA Rancz, ...
Neuron 83 (6), 1431-1443, 2014
Dendritic patch-clamp recording
JT Davie, MHP Kole, JJ Letzkus, EA Rancz, N Spruston, GJ Stuart, ...
Nature protocols 1 (3), 1235-1247, 2006
Cell type‐ and synapse‐specific variability in synaptic GABAA receptor occupancy
N Hájos, Z Nusser, EA Rancz, TF Freund, I Mody
European Journal of Neuroscience 12 (3), 810-818, 2000
Transfection via whole-cell recording in vivo: bridging single-cell physiology, genetics and connectomics
EA Rancz, KM Franks, MK Schwarz, B Pichler, AT Schaefer, TW Margrie
Nature neuroscience 14 (4), 527-532, 2011
Dendritic calcium spikes are tunable triggers of cannabinoid release and short-term synaptic plasticity in cerebellar Purkinje neurons
EA Rancz, M Häusser
Journal of Neuroscience 26 (20), 5428-5437, 2006
Widespread vestibular activation of the rodent cortex
EA Rancz, J Moya, F Drawitsch, AM Brichta, S Canals, TW Margrie
Journal of Neuroscience 35 (15), 5926-5934, 2015
A biophysical signature of network affiliation and sensory processing in mitral cells
K Angelo, EA Rancz, D Pimentel, C Hundahl, J Hannibal, A Fleischmann, ...
Nature 488 (7411), 375-378, 2012
Dendritic spikes mediate negative synaptic gain control in cerebellar Purkinje cells
EA Rancz, M Häusser
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107 (51), 22284-22289, 2010
Apical length governs computational diversity of layer 5 pyramidal neurons
AR Galloni, A Laffere, E Rancz
Elife 9, e55761, 2020
Quantitative analysis of rabies virus-based synaptic connectivity tracing
A Tran-Van-Minh, Z Ye, E Rancz
Plos One 18 (3), e0278053, 2023
RPM: An open-source Rotation Platform for open-and closed-loop vestibular stimulation in head-fixed Mice
X Cano-Ferrer, A Tran-Van-Minh, E Rancz
Journal of Neuroscience Methods 401, 110002, 2024
Dendritic domain-specific sampling of long-range axons shapes feedforward and feedback connectivity of L5 neurons
AR Galloni, Z Ye, E Rancz
Journal of Neuroscience 42 (16), 3394-3405, 2022
Behind mouse eyes: The function and control of eye movements in mice
EA Giovannetti, E Rancz
Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 105671, 2024
jULIEs: extracellular probes for recordings and stimulation in the structurally and functionally intact mouse brain
RR Racz, M Kollo, G Racz, C Bulz, T Ackels, T Warner, W Wray, N Kiskin, ...
bioRxiv, 721548, 2019
jULIEs: nanostructured polytrodes for low traumatic extracellular recordings and stimulation in the mammalian brain
RR Racz, M Kollo, G Racz, C Bulz, T Ackels, T Warner, W Wray, N Kiskin, ...
Journal of Neural Engineering 19 (1), 016041, 2022
Viruses leave their stamp on single cells
EA Rancz, AT Schaefer
Nature Biotechnology 36 (1), 42-44, 2018
Somatic firing hyperpolarizes Purkinje dendrites
EA Rancz
Soc Neurosci Abstr, 251.210, 2007
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