Artiklar med krav på offentlig åtkomst - Dietrich KlakowLäs mer
Inte tillgängliga någonstans: 7
The split and merge unscented Gaussian mixture filter
F Faubel, J McDonough, D Klakow
IEEE Signal Processing Letters 16 (9), 786-789, 2009
Krav: German Research Foundation
Bridging the vocabulary gap between questions and answer sentences
S Momtazi, D Klakow
Information Processing & Management 51 (5), 595-615, 2015
Krav: German Research Foundation
Modeling the impact of orthographic coding on Czech–Polish and Bulgarian–Russian reading intercomprehension
I Stenger, K Jágrová, A Fischer, T Avgustinova, D Klakow, R Marti
Nordic Journal of Linguistics 40 (2), 175-199, 2017
Krav: German Research Foundation
On the security relevance of initial weights in deep neural networks
K Grosse, TA Trost, M Mosbach, M Backes, D Klakow
Artificial Neural Networks and Machine Learning–ICANN 2020: 29th …, 2020
Krav: German Research Foundation, Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Germany
Automatic judgement of neural network-generated image captions
R Biswas, A Mogadala, M Barz, D Sonntag, D Klakow
Statistical Language and Speech Processing: 7th International Conference …, 2019
Krav: German Research Foundation, Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Germany
Wake-Sleep Variational Autoencoders for Language Modeling
X Shen, H Su, S Niu, D Klakow
Neural Information Processing: 24th International Conference, ICONIP 2017 …, 2017
Krav: National Natural Science Foundation of China, German Research Foundation
An analysis of nonstationary variance estimates in the maximum negentropy beamformer
B Rauch, F Faubel, D Klakow
2011 Joint Workshop on Hands-free Speech Communication and Microphone Arrays …, 2011
Krav: German Research Foundation
Tillgängliga någonstans: 90
Trends in integration of vision and language research: A survey of tasks, datasets, and methods
A Mogadala, M Kalimuthu, D Klakow
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 71, 1183-1317, 2021
Krav: German Research Foundation
Convolution kernels for opinion holder extraction
M Wiegand, D Klakow
Human language technologies: the 2010 annual conference of the North …, 2010
Krav: German Research Foundation
Automatic call sign detection: Matching air surveillance data with air traffic spoken communications
J Zuluaga-Gomez, K Veselý, A Blatt, P Motlicek, D Klakow, A Tart, I Szöke, ...
Proceedings 59 (1), 14, 2020
Krav: European Commission
Investigating the impact of pre-trained word embeddings on memorization in neural networks
A Thomas, DI Adelani, A Davody, A Mogadala, D Klakow
Text, Speech, and Dialogue: 23rd International Conference, TSD 2020, Brno …, 2020
Krav: European Commission
Event participant modelling with neural networks
O Tilk, V Demberg, A Sayeed, D Klakow, S Thater
Proceedings of the 2016 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language …, 2016
Krav: German Research Foundation
Improving latent alignment in text summarization by generalizing the pointer generator
X Shen, Y Zhao, H Su, D Klakow
Proceedings of the 2019 conference on empirical methods in natural language …, 2019
Krav: German Research Foundation
Nexus network: Connecting the preceding and the following in dialogue generation
X Shen, H Su, W Li, D Klakow
Proceedings of the 2018 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language …, 2018
Krav: German Research Foundation, Research Grants Council, Hong Kong
A comparative study of word co-occurrence for term clustering in language model-based sentence retrieval
S Momtazi, S Khudanpur, D Klakow
Human language technologies: The 2010 annual conference of the North …, 2010
Krav: German Research Foundation
Closing brackets with recurrent neural networks
N Skachkova, TA Trost, D Klakow
Proceedings of the 2018 EMNLP Workshop BlackboxNLP: Analyzing and …, 2018
Krav: German Research Foundation
SoloFinger: Robust microgestures while grasping everyday objects
A Sharma, MA Hedderich, D Bhardwaj, B Fruchard, J McIntosh, AS Nittala, ...
Proceedings of the 2021 CHI conference on human factors in computing systems …, 2021
Krav: European Commission
A context-aware speech recognition and understanding system for air traffic control domain
Y Oualil, D Klakow, G Szaszák, A Srinivasamurthy, H Helmke, P Motlicek
2017 IEEE automatic speech recognition and understanding workshop (ASRU …, 2017
Krav: European Commission
Approximated and Domain-Adapted LSTM Language Models for First-Pass Decoding in Speech Recognition.
M Singh, Y Oualil, D Klakow
INTERSPEECH, 2720-2724, 2017
Krav: German Research Foundation
Bounded conditional mean imputation with Gaussian mixture models: A reconstruction approach to partly occluded features
F Faubel, J McDonough, D Klakow
2009 IEEE international conference on acoustics, speech and signal …, 2009
Krav: German Research Foundation
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