Anders Robertsson
Anders Robertsson
Professor, Automatic Control
Verifierad e-postadress på control.lth.se
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Comments on" Nonlinear output feedback control of dynamically positioned ships using vectorial observer backstepping"
A Robertsson, R Johansson
Control Systems Technology, IEEE Transactions on 6 (3), 439-441, 1998
LuGre-model-based friction compensation
L Freidovich, A Robertsson, A Shiriaev, R Johansson
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 18 (1), 194-200, 2010
Cost-efficient drilling using industrial robots with high-bandwidth force feedback
T Olsson, M Haage, H Kihlman, R Johansson, K Nilsson, A Robertsson, ...
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 26 (1), 24-38, 2010
Extending an industrial robot controller-implementation and applications of a fast open sensor interface
A Blomdell, G Bolmsjö, T Brogårdh, P Cederberg, M Isaksson, ...
IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine 12 (3), 85-94, 2005
Force controlled robotic assembly without a force sensor
A Stolt, M Linderoth, A Robertsson, R Johansson
Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2012 IEEE International Conference on, 1538-1543, 2012
Self-adaptation for individual self-aware computing systems
M Maggio, T Abdelzaher, L Esterle, H Giese, JO Kephart, OJ Mengshoel, ...
Self-Aware Computing Systems, 375-399, 2017
Virtual-constraints-based design of stable oscillations of Furuta pendulum: theory and experiments
A Shiriaev, L Freidovich, A Robertsson, R Johansson
Decision and Control, 2006 45th IEEE Conference on, 6144-6149, 2006
Periodic motions of the Pendubot via virtual holonomic constraints: Theory and experiments
L Freidovich, A Robertsson, A Shiriaev, R Johansson
Automatica 44 (3), 785-791, 2008
Virtual-holonomic-constraints-based design of stable oscillations of Furuta pendulum: Theory and experiments
AS Shiriaev, LB Freidovich, A Robertsson, R Johansson, A Sandberg
IEEE Transactions on Robotics 23 (4), 827-832, 2007
Periodic motion planning for virtually constrained Euler–Lagrange systems
A Shiriaev, A Robertsson, J Perram, A Sandberg
Systems & control letters 55 (11), 900-907, 2006
Force estimation and control in robot manipulators
A Alcocer, A Robertsson, A Valera, R Johansson
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 36 (17), 55-60, 2003
Sensor fusion for compliant robot motion control
JGÁ GarcÍa, A Robertsson, JG Ortega, R Johansson
IEEE Transactions on Robotics 24 (2), 430-441, 2008
Flexible application development and high-performance motion control based on external sensing and reconfiguration of ABB industrial robot controllers
A Blomdell, I Dressler, K Nilsson, A Robertsson
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2010, 62-66, 2010
State-space system identification of robot manipulator dynamics
R Johansson, A Robertsson, K Nilsson, M Verhaegen
Mechatronics 10 (3), 403-418, 2000
On the integration of skilled robot motions for productivity in manufacturing
A Björkelund, L Edström, M Haage, J Malec, K Nilsson, P Nugues, ...
Assembly and Manufacturing (ISAM), 2011 IEEE International Symposium on, 1-9, 2011
Robotic force estimation using motor torques and modeling of low velocity friction disturbances
M Linderoth, A Stolt, A Robertsson, R Johansson
Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2013 IEEE/RSJ International …, 2013
Observer-based strict positive real (SPR) feedback control system design
R Johansson, A Robertsson
Automatica 38 (9), 1557-1564, 2002
Observer-based strict positive real (SPR) feedback control system design
R Johansson, A Robertsson
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 34 (6), 1517-1522, 2001
Linear controllers for exponential tracking of systems in chained‐form
E Lefeber, A Robertsson, H Nijmeijer
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 10 (4), 243-263, 2000
Design and evaluation of load control in web server systems
A Robertsson, B Wittenmark, M Kihl, M Andersson
American Control Conference, 2004. Proceedings of the 2004 3, 1980-1985, 2004
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