John A. Stanford
John A. Stanford
Professor of Physiology, University of Kansas Medical Center
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Neurodegeneration in an animal model of Parkinson's disease is exacerbated by a high-fat diet
JK Morris, GL Bomhoff, JA Stanford, PC Geiger
American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative …, 2010
Insulin resistance impairs nigrostriatal dopamine function
JK Morris, GL Bomhoff, BK Gorres, VA Davis, J Kim, PP Lee, WM Brooks, ...
Experimental neurology 231 (1), 171-180, 2011
Glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor increases stimulus-evoked dopamine release and motor speed in aged rhesus monkeys
R Grondin, WA Cass, Z Zhang, JA Stanford, DM Gash, GA Gerhardt
Journal of Neuroscience 23 (5), 1974-1980, 2003
Role of exercise in maintaining the integrity of the neuromuscular junction
H Nishimune, JA Stanford, Y Mori
Muscle & nerve 49 (3), 315-324, 2014
Striatal GDNF administration increases tyrosine hydroxylase phosphorylation in the rat striatum and substantia nigra
MF Salvatore, JL Zhang, DM Large, PE Wilson, CR Gash, TC Thomas, ...
Journal of neurochemistry 90 (1), 245-254, 2004
Measures of striatal insulin resistance in a 6-hydroxydopamine model of Parkinson's disease
JK Morris, H Zhang, AA Gupte, GL Bomhoff, JA Stanford, PC Geiger
Brain research 1240, 185-195, 2008
Effects of chronic intraputamenal infusion of glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) in aged Rhesus monkeys
N Maswood, R Grondin, Z Zhang, JA Stanford, SP Surgener, DM Gash, ...
Neurobiology of aging 23 (5), 881-889, 2002
Active zone protein Bassoon co-localizes with presynaptic calcium channel, modifies channel function, and recovers from aging related loss by exercise
H Nishimune, T Numata, J Chen, Y Aoki, Y Wang, MP Starr, Y Mori, ...
PLoS One 7 (6), e38029, 2012
Tongue force and tongue motility are differently affected by unilateral vs bilateral nigrostriatal dopamine depletion in rats
AL Nuckolls, C Worley, C Leto, H Zhang, JK Morris, JA Stanford
Behavioural brain research 234 (2), 343-348, 2012
Bilateral effects of unilateral GDNF administration on dopamine-and GABA-regulating proteins in the rat nigrostriatal system
MF Salvatore, GA Gerhardt, RD Dayton, RL Klein, JA Stanford
Experimental neurology 219 (1), 197-207, 2009
Time-course and characterization of orolingual motor deficits in B6SJL-Tg (SOD1-G93A) 1Gur/J mice
SE Smittkamp, JW Brown, JA Stanford
Neuroscience 151 (2), 613-621, 2008
Extracellular mitochondria and mitochondrial components act as damage-associated molecular pattern molecules in the mouse brain
HM Wilkins, SJ Koppel, IW Weidling, N Roy, LN Ryan, JA Stanford, ...
Journal of Neuroimmune Pharmacology 11, 622-628, 2016
Acute locomotor effects of fluoxetine, sertraline, and nomifensine in young versus aged Fischer 344 rats
JA Stanford, TD Currier, GA Gerhardt
Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior 71 (1-2), 325-332, 2002
A high fat diet alters metabolic and bioenergetic function in the brain: A magnetic resonance spectroscopy study
K Raider, D Ma, JL Harris, I Fuentes, RS Rogers, JL Wheatley, PC Geiger, ...
Neurochemistry international 97, 172-180, 2016
Measures of bulbar and spinal motor function, muscle innervation, and mitochondrial function in ALS rats
SE Smittkamp, HN Spalding, JW Brown, AA Gupte, J Chen, H Nishimune, ...
Behavioural brain research 211 (1), 48-57, 2010
Unlike haloperidol, clozapine slows and dampens rats' forelimb force oscillations and decreases force output in a press-while-licking behavioral task
SC Fowler, KH Davison, JA Stanford
Psychopharmacology 116, 19-25, 1994
Aged Fischer 344 rats exhibit altered orolingual motor function: relationships with nigrostriatal neurochemical measures
JA Stanford, E Vorontsova, SP Surgener, GA Gerhardt, SC Fowler
Neurobiology of aging 24 (2), 259-266, 2003
A novel use of combined tyrosine hydroxylase and silver nucleolar staining to determine the effects of a unilateral intrastriatal 6-hydroxydopamine lesion in the substantia …
M Healy-Stoffel, SO Ahmad, JA Stanford, B Levant
Journal of neuroscience methods 210 (2), 187-194, 2012
Effects of tongue force training on orolingual motor cortical representation
DJ Guggenmos, S Barbay, C Bethel-Brown, RJ Nudo, JA Stanford
Behavioural brain research 201 (1), 229-232, 2009
At low doses, harmaline increases forelimb tremor in the rat
JA Stanford, SC Fowler
Neuroscience letters 241 (1), 41-44, 1998
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