Whitney Ringwald
Whitney Ringwald
University of Minnesota
Verifierad e-postadress på pitt.edu
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Meta-analysis of structural evidence for the Hierarchical Taxonomy of Psychopathology (HiTOP) model
WR Ringwald, MK Forbes, AGC Wright
Psychological medicine 53 (2), 533-546, 2023
It’s time to replace the personality disorders with the interpersonal disorders.
AGC Wright, WR Ringwald, CJ Hopwood, AL Pincus
American Psychologist 77 (9), 1085, 2022
Psychometric evaluation of a Big Five personality state scale for intensive longitudinal studies
WR Ringwald, SB Manuck, AL Marsland, AGC Wright
Assessment 29 (6), 1301-1319, 2022
Attachment styles, social behavior, and personality functioning in romantic relationships.
JE Beeney, SD Stepp, MN Hallquist, WR Ringwald, AGC Wright, ...
Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment 10 (3), 275, 2019
Dynamic features of affect and interpersonal behavior in relation to general and specific personality pathology.
WR Ringwald, CJ Hopwood, PA Pilkonis, AGC Wright
Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment 12 (4), 365, 2021
The affiliative role of empathy in everyday interpersonal interactions
WR Ringwald, AGC Wright*
European Journal of Personality 35 (2), 197-211, 2021
Antagonism in daily life: An exploratory ecological momentary assessment study
CE Vize, WR Ringwald, EA Edershile, AGC Wright
Clinical Psychological Science 10 (1), 90-108, 2022
Principles and procedures for revising the hierarchical taxonomy of psychopathology.
MK Forbes, WR Ringwald, T Allen, DC Cicero, LA Clark, CG DeYoung, ...
Journal of Psychopathology and Clinical Science 133 (1), 4, 2024
Psychometric evaluation of a Visual Interpersonal Analog Scale.
WC Woods, EA Edershile, WR Ringwald, BM Sharpe, PH Himmelstein, ...
Psychological assessment 35 (4), 311, 2023
A community pharmacy intervention for opioid medication misuse: a pilot randomized clinical trial
G Cochran, C Field, J Karp, AL Seybert, Q Chen, W Ringwald, V Hruschak, ...
Journal of the American Pharmacists Association 58 (4), 395-403, 2018
Comparing hierarchical models of personality pathology
WR Ringwald, JE Beeney, PA Pilkonis, AGC Wright
Journal of Research in Personality 81, 98-107, 2019
Structure of pathological personality traits through the lens of the CAT-PD model
WR Ringwald, L Emery, S Khoo, LA Clark, Y Kotelnikova, MD Scalco, ...
Assessment 30 (7), 2276-2295, 2023
Overcoming the confound of means and variability for measuring everyday emotion dynamics related to neuroticism
WR Ringwald, AG Wright
Factor analysis in personality disorders research: Modern issues and illustrations of practical recommendations.
AL Watts, AL Greene, W Ringwald, MK Forbes, CM Brandes, ...
Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment 14 (1), 105, 2023
Borderline personality disorder traits associate with midlife cardiometabolic risk.
TA Barber, WR Ringwald, AGC Wright, SB Manuck
Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment 11 (2), 151, 2020
The emotional bank account and the four horsemen of the apocalypse in romantic relationships of people with borderline personality disorder: A dyadic observational study
JE Beeney, MN Hallquist, LN Scott, WR Ringwald, SD Stepp, SA Lazarus, ...
Clinical Psychological Science 7 (5), 1063-1077, 2019
Personality (dys) function and general instability
WR Ringwald, MN Hallquist, AY Dombrovski, AGC Wright
Clinical Psychological Science 11 (1), 106-120, 2023
Personality disorders are dead; long live the interpersonal disorders: Comment on Widiger and Hines (2022).
AGC Wright, WR Ringwald
Educational Publishing Foundation 13 (4), 364, 2022
Exploratory machine learning modeling of adaptive and maladaptive personality traits from passively sensed behavior
R Yan, WR Ringwald, J Vega, M Kehl, SW Bae, AK Dey, CA Low, ...
Future Generation Computer Systems 132, 266-281, 2022
Transdiagnostic associations with interpersonal and affective variability in borderline personality pathology
WR Ringwald, MN Hallquist, A Y. Dombrovski, AGC Wright
Journal of personality disorders 36 (3), 320-338, 2022
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