Seang Shen Yeoh
Seang Shen Yeoh
Verifierad e-postadress på nottingham.ac.uk
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Permanent-magnet machine-based starter–generator system with modulated model predictive control
SS Yeoh, T Yang, L Tarisciotti, CI Hill, S Bozhko, P Zanchetta
IEEE transactions on transportation electrification 3 (4), 878-890, 2017
A low-complexity optimal switching time-modulated model-predictive control for PMSM with three-level NPC converter
Q Wang, H Yu, C Li, X Lang, SS Yeoh, T Yang, M Rivera, S Bozhko, ...
IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification 6 (3), 1188-1198, 2020
Flux-weakening control of electric starter–generator based on permanent-magnet machine
S Bozhko, M Rashed, CI Hill, SS Yeoh, T Yang
IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification 3 (4), 864-877, 2017
An enhanced virtual space vector modulation scheme of three-level NPC converters for more-electric-aircraft applications
F Guo, T Yang, AM Diab, SS Yeoh, S Bozhko, P Wheeler
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 57 (5), 5239-5251, 2021
Aircraft starter-generator system based on permanent-magnet machine fed by active front-end rectifier
S Bozhko, SS Yeoh, F Gao, C Hill
IECON 2014-40th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society …, 2014
Enhanced active disturbance rejection current controller for permanent magnet synchronous machines operated at low sampling time ratio
AM Diab, SS Yeoh, S Bozhko, C Gerada, M Galea
IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Industrial Electronics 3 (2 …, 2021
An overmodulation algorithm with neutral-point voltage balancing for three-level converters in high-speed aerospace drives
F Guo, T Yang, AM Diab, SS Yeoh, C Li, S Bozhko, P Wheeler
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 37 (2), 2021
Control design for PMM-based starter generator system for more electric aircraft
SS Yeoh, F Gao, S Bozhko, G Asher
2014 16th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, 1-10, 2014
Control design for PMM starter-generator operated in flux-weakening mode
F Gao, S Bozhko, YS Shen, G Asher
2013 48th International Universities' Power Engineering Conference (UPEC), 1-6, 2013
Fast and simple tuning rules of synchronous reference frame proportional-integral current controller
AM Diab, S Bozhko, F Guo, M Rashed, G Buticchi, Z Xu, SS Yeoh, ...
IEEE Access 9, 22156-22170, 2021
Variable-voltage bus concept for aircraft electrical power system
SS Yeoh, M Rashed, M Sanders, S Bozhko
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 66 (7), 5634-5643, 2018
Adaptive stabilization of a permanent magnet synchronous generator-based DC electrical power system in more electric aircraft
A Suyapan, K Areerak, S Bozhko, SS Yeoh, K Areerak
IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification 7 (4), 2965-2975, 2021
Hybrid active modulation strategy for three-level neutral-point-clamped converters in high-speed aerospace drives
F Guo, T Yang, AM Diab, Z Huang, SS Yeoh, S Bozhko, P Wheeler
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 70 (4), 3449-3460, 2022
Droop control design to minimize losses in DC microgrid for more electric aircraft
MAA Mohamed, M Rashed, X Lang, J Atkin, S Yeoh, S Bozhko
Electric Power Systems Research 199, 107452, 2021
Coordinated control of a DC electrical power system in the more electric aircraft integrated with energy storage
F Gao, S Yeoh, S Bozhko, G Asher
2015 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 5431-5438, 2015
Stability of multi-source droop-controlled electrical power system for more-electric aircraft
F Gao, S Bozhko, S Yeoh, G Asher, P Wheeler
2014 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Energy and Power Systems …, 2014
A detailed modular governor-turbine model for multiple-spool gas turbine with scrutiny of bleeding effect
H Balaghi Enalou, E Abbasi Soreshjani, M Rashed, S Shen Yeoh, ...
Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 139 (11), 114501, 2017
Multi-objective supervisory control for dc/dc converters in advanced aeronautic applications
A Cavallo, G Canciello, B Guida, P Kulsangcharoen, SS Yeoh, M Rashed, ...
Energies 11 (11), 3216, 2018
Efficiency focused energy management strategy based on optimal droop gain design for more electric aircraft
MAA Mohamed, SS Yeoh, JA Atkin, H Hussaini, S Bozhko
IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification 8 (4), 4205-4218, 2022
Harmonic mitigation in electric railway systems using improved model predictive control
C Panpean, K Areerak, P Santiprapan, K Areerak, S Shen Yeoh
Energies 14 (7), 2012, 2021
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